r00t-3xp10it / venom

venom - C2 shellcode generator/compiler/handler
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Venom - android jarsigner not found #48

Open Promisekurdi opened 4 years ago

Promisekurdi commented 4 years ago

hi help when i chose android module in venom

  ./venom.sh: 11915: /etc/init.d/metasploit: not found


  [x] Abort module execution ..

Why ? please help

codings9 commented 4 years ago

You might want to install Metasploit ... Read this:✅💯🔥 https://github.com/r00t-3xp10it/venom/issues/33 <<<<< metasploit start service bug

Promisekurdi commented 4 years ago

Screenshot at 2020-03-24 11-26-38 Screenshot at 2020-03-24 11-27-05

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago

that meeans that you dont have ZENITY packet installed (its a dependencie) ... if you install it everything will work fine..

https://github.com/r00t-3xp10it/venom/issues/44 <<<< issue 44 (duplicated)

A-Unix commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2020-03-31 19:57:05 Screenshot 2020-03-31 19:59:10 Screenshot 2020-03-31 19:59:39 I'm facing these problems as you can see in screenshots there are many file errors which can't found on my machine like xterm & jarsigner... Please help me to solve these issues!

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago

If you are on Mac or Linux, just go to the terminal and type in:

  whereis jarsigner

It will give you the location of the jarsigner

If you can't find it, download and install Java JDK from here (Manual)

xterm can be found here

Final Notes:

Venom gives you the choise to sign (keytool,jarsigner) or not ..

A-Unix commented 4 years ago

Thanks @r00t-3xp10it to answer my problem but jarsigner still not found even after inatalling java! I don't know why! Xterm is working properly!

codings9 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @r00t-3xp10it to answer my problem but jarsigner still not found even after inatalling java! I don't know why! Xterm is working properly!

Did you install manually? Or using apt-get? 420F5BE3-40B8-4751-9D94-3C0A8254ED04

A-Unix commented 4 years ago

Thanks @r00t-3xp10it to answer my problem but jarsigner still not found even after inatalling java! I don't know why! Xterm is working properly!

Did you install manually? Or using apt-get? 420F5BE3-40B8-4751-9D94-3C0A8254ED04


A-Unix commented 4 years ago

But it's working just fine now! even without jarsigner!