r00t-3xp10it / venom

venom - C2 shellcode generator/compiler/handler
1.76k stars 594 forks source link

not show the URL #72

Closed ricko2991 closed 4 years ago

ricko2991 commented 4 years ago

Hi, i want to open the url and give me alert in web browser: """"" Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.46 (Debian) Server at Port 80


This is my settings on AMSI BYPASS: [i] AMSI MODULE SETTINGS

LPORT    : 666                                                                                                                                                    
LHOST    :                                                                                                                                         
LOLBin   : WinHttpRequest                                                                                                                                         
DROPPER  : /root/Toolswork/Bypass/venom/output/Update-KB1234.ps1                                                                                                  
AGENT    : /root/Toolswork/Bypass/venom/output/Security-Update.ps1                                                                                                
UPLOADTO : Fileless (trigger:tmp)                                                                                                                                 
r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago


Switch from ZSH to BASH:

exec bash

HINT: Screenshots of the bugs are required for me to see whats appenning.. I have updated venom today ,,, i advice you to download the v1.0.17 version and try it again..

ricko2991 commented 4 years ago

1º - Did you Install venom using venom/aux/setup.sh script ? ANSWER: Yes i install it properly, and not problem. Screenshot (7)

2º - Do you have Apache2 installed on attacker machine? ANSWER: Yes

3º - Is the attacker ip address ?? ANSWER: yes, its my ip address

4º - What shell does your system uses: bash or ZSH ? ANSWER: Bash

***But still not work. I open the link and not found the server

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago

try to start apache2 manually ..can you ?? service apache2 start

then goto: <-- To see if apache2 its working

Another Thing: run setup.sh and delete venom domain name because it is not needed anymore (old configs)

1 2

ricko2991 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it works properly, when i installed setup.sh i chooce use venom domain name. Maybe this is why the link not show. Thanks a lot.

Can i use ngrok in AMSI Evasion payloads options?

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago
ricko2991 commented 4 years ago

1º - so the problem was venom domain name config rigth ?? ANSWER : YES (its interfering with AMSI Evasion Payloads) <= after you reverted the setting it starts working ? ANSWER : YES its work perfectly

2º - nop ... because they required the files stored on apache2 <= ngrok will not give remote access to apache2 .. (But... you can use the Agent (NOT THE DROPPER) with ngrok) <= because dropper will download/exec the agent

What the agent exactly can i use?

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago

AGENT (reverse TCP shell): In this case (Amsi Evasion - agent nº5) its Client.exe file...

In amsi evasion - agent nº1 its: AGENT : /root/Toolswork/Bypass/venom/output/Security-Update.ps1

Final notes

Amsi Evasion - Agent nº5 requires apache2 because it has to deliver the agent and the pdf file..

ricko2991 commented 4 years ago

So when i'm not in the same network i can connect use my ip address? Not the ngrok address?

I run ngrok http 80 to expose the web service. I have not try it because i dont have windows device with different ip network

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago

if you are not on same network .. you can manually deliver agent with ngrok and recive the connection .. but... one of the tasks of the dropper it to bypass security mesures and deliver/exec the Agent ..

ricko2991 commented 4 years ago

Thanks A lot for helping me fix the problem. I will be trying soon. I Hope if i face the problem again i can fix it