r00t-3xp10it / venom

venom - C2 shellcode generator/compiler/handler
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SSL pem Fail #86

Closed Akmaling closed 3 years ago

Akmaling commented 3 years ago

Please what could be the problem for the fail to clone ssl cert. Thanks

r00t-3xp10it commented 3 years ago

Issue: https://github.com/r00t-3xp10it/venom/issues/77

Akmaling commented 3 years ago

Issue: #77

@r00t-3xp10it ..how you doing, it is not duplicate... I moved to new server and fresh install venom and ever since ssl cloning is no more working. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks

r00t-3xp10it commented 3 years ago

Try to manually build the certificates:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj "/C=US/ST=Michigan/L=Boston/O=Global Security/OU=IT Department/CN=microsoft.com"

Start the correspondent handler:

Akmaling commented 3 years ago
