r00tmebaby / LinkedIn-Downloader

LinkedIn DL is a small GUI program codded with Python and based on my previous Lynda Download script
MIT License
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No errors, but also not downloading #21

Closed fastmarketo closed 4 years ago

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

It does nothing Just this and then closes → image



Not a single video is downloaded. No errors too.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

If I use version 0.16 then this errors come: image

Mvk101 commented 4 years ago

If I use version 0.16 then this errors come: image

I have had the similar issue but then I changed the browser to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36" and skipped auto login (manually open linkedin and login) and it's been working like a charm since then. I am using Windows 10 on a virtual box 6.0. image

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

I did as you suggested, but got the same error → image

And nothing worked.

Mvk101 commented 4 years ago

Which OS you're using and is it a 32 or 64 bit? Honestly, I would just randomly try few other browsers from the drop-down and see if it works.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Licensed Window 7 → 64 Bit.

Mvk101 commented 4 years ago

try Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0 or Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; yie11; rv:11.0) like Gecko

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago


I tried the same issue. Even the previous versions also do not work any more.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I missed the last conversations.

For the browser agents, you can use those from the select form (Google Adbot is a good choice as no one will block such) or choose another from here

You use version 0.16, could you try 0.16.1 executable and report if you have the same issue. In the meantime, I will try to reproduce the error.

PS. Don't use version 0.14 anymore, it's not reliable, I have fixed many minor issues.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Let me try I will report it soon. Thanks.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Same error:



r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

Use the manual login

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Sir, still the same.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

Which courses are you working on? Send me the links, please.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Hey There,

https://www.linkedin.com/learning/conquering-writer-s-block https://www.linkedin.com/learning/succeeding-as-an-in-house-creative


r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

I was not able to reproduce the error you got. It works ok in my case. Can you give me a screenshot of the window?

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Hi there,


r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

I meant the browser window when you start the program, dear... not the system information.

The question is does this Chrome window opens and if yes, what do you see? Does it do any activity?

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

I have created a GIF and send it on your email because some private information was there that can't be posted on the forum.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago


fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

I hope you have received it in the email.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

Yes, I got it.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

The program can not find the video content. The course videos for some reason are hidden on the left top corner in your browser (too small window I guess) as in mobile version.

I have a suggestion.

Could you try to add some delay time and once the browser window opens, clear its cache and then restart the program. After the restart maximizes the browser window and sees what will happen.

Let me know about the results.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Sure, Thanks for all the support. I will update you soon.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Hello sir,

I cleared the cache since the beginning of the time. I deleted all the files of your software and then redownloaded them. Increased the size of the window as suggested by you.

But the same error on both of my Laptop and Desktop image

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago


You are not charging a single dime, but helping so much. thank you so much for that.

If possible please give us a remedy. Again, sir, You are not liable but if you can find a solution then I will be thankful and grateful to you as that will solve my downloading issues.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

It's very interesting. I do not see the videos on the screenshot in the way the program is looking for them.

When you log in and having a full window size you should see something like this ->

As you can see on the right top corner you have your login information/picture if you uploaded one then below there should be some tabs, one of which is called "content", that place is crucial for the program because the videos are not visible until this tab is clicked. You got a message that the program can not find this tab element to click on it, which means it's somewhere hidden or is missing.

So my question is, did you change anything to the LinkedIn UI look, like changing the template or something else? If you did, try to bring it back to the original state.

In general, your profile looks completely different than mine and I can not debug the program without having this look, unfortunately.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Let me do everything I can i will get back to you. May be they have changed layout and you are seeing old layout.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

I have sent them mail. I think they have changed the layout. You cant see because you have cache.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

I have sent them mail. I think they have changed the layout. You cant see because you have cache.

I cleared my browser cache and logged with newly created account and the layout is still the same as before. There is definitely something in your account.

Is it the same with any course that you are trying to download or just that one?

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

I think this is with every video.


22 NOV - Layout OK when I was using LinkedIn on desktop.

I traveled to my parent's home and there was using a Sony laptop where chrome was synchronized. The layout changed, but on Dec 9 when I came back since then the same new layout is also there on my desktop(where everything was ok before).

I think the new layout is a global change. (Not sure)

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

It's not a global change for sure (if there is a change at all, I do not really believe in that), because other people use the program without a problem and see what I see as a layout.

I do not see on your screenshot where is the account picture, should be on the right top corner. Are you sure that you have logged at all and do you have a premium? You should see your account name on the right top in anyways. As in the picture below. You have to also see a lot more videos not just what you got as content for this particular course.

Maybe the program does not read the saved credentials and if that is so, my suggestion is to uninstall and install (don't overwrite the existing one, uninstall the previous installation completely) the Chrome browser again. In any case, I would do it at least to remove that from the possibilities list.

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

It's not a global change for sure (if there is a change at all, I do not really believe in that), because other people use the program without a problem and see what I see as a layout.

Profile Picture is there → image

Are you sure that you have logged at all and do you have a premium?

Yes, My Premium is still valid till December 18.

Maybe the program does not read the saved credentials and if that is so, my suggestion is to uninstall and install (don't overwrite the existing one, uninstall the previous installation completely) the Chrome browser again.

Should I install and uninstall chrome browser once again?

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago


The video list is still available but in a different format. list_butdiff

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

I think this could not be solved as their support is giving copy paste idiotic replies w/o trying to understand what the question is.

r00tmebaby commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I can not help now without having the same UI.

armia142 commented 4 years ago

2019-12-21 20_59_48-C__Users_Armia_Downloads_LinkedIn-Downloader-master_LinkedIn-Downloader-master_W 2019-12-21 21_00_56-395 Properties panel_ Tips for the new user

Please I got the same thing just in consideration that it was working fine for 2 weeks

fastmarketo commented 4 years ago

Maybe this is Linkedin's method to combat the automation download of the Videos. I suffered from the same a/c issues.