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Dragon Quest Builders PCSE00912 new material ID list submission #119

Closed Bluevy closed 4 years ago

Bluevy commented 4 years ago

Hi there, The given wiki link below i believe the author using a google translate from mandarin to english. This causes a problem as it causes inconvenience when i'm searching for a material's ID from the game description, and found a lot of them are mismatch. Anyway I did a new compilation list on my own and hope the list help the other vitacheat users.

DQ Builder.txt

ID: PCSE00912

Title: Dragon Quest Builders

Region: USA

Version: 1.00

Type: NoNpDrm

Code Author: r0ah, Yohoki (Collosial Coffer Item Swap code)

Credits: dask for the ITEM ID & EQUIPMENT ID tables (http://www.szhrfdz.com/534548/20663.html)

Wiki: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/wiki/PCSE00912

eighthdayregret commented 4 years ago

Wiki update completed. Thank you for your help. Issue is now closed.