Delete Edges when Delete an Interaction (Yasin)
Trace path of storypointreferences and delete them when button is deleted. (Yasin)
ItemRef in graph (Arno, Yasin)
-> Show items in the graph on the edge (Yasin)
All References has to be implemented and has to be dropdown-menues
dropdown-menues (Arno)
Create Dependency (Arno)
show Dependency graph into the divDependencyBox for every input (Yasin, Arno)
Create Dependency function (Yasin)
show Dependency graph into the divDependencyBox (Yasin, Arno)
Buttons for OnTrue, On False -- Every buttonclick should refresh the dependencyBox
Delete Edges when Delete an Interaction (Yasin) Trace path of storypointreferences and delete them when button is deleted. (Yasin) ItemRef in graph (Arno, Yasin) -> Show items in the graph on the edge (Yasin)
All References has to be implemented and has to be dropdown-menues
Create Dependency (Arno)
Dropdown Menues for Chooser (Arno)