r1sc / Open76

Interstate '76 engine reimplementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Vehicle Driving Sounds #19

Closed JJJohan closed 5 years ago

JJJohan commented 5 years ago

None of the above sound files are referenced by the data or mission files hence the kind of cheeky magic strings in the code. Please feel free to comment if you'd like to change how this is done. The only thing I would like to expand on is the surface sounds, I would assume that certain objects such as roads and terrain must have a surface type ID which would allow us to associate a sound to (dirt, gravel, sand, etc.)

I've got a quick video below showcasing some of the sounds (also a sneak-peek at the GDF parser branch):

<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/dw3rZCsL-pE/0.jpg" alt="Vehicle Sounds Video" border="10" />

You'll notice the interior view shaking when I turn the engine on - unfortunately this is just really conveniently timed physics glitchyness and not an actual feature 😆.