r1tsuu / payload-enchants

Payload 3.0 enchantment packages
MIT License
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fix(translator): do not translate block IDs or admin-facing block labels #69

Closed lynndylanhurley closed 1 month ago

lynndylanhurley commented 1 month ago

When debugging another issue I realized that the block and array item IDs were getting sent along with the other translation data to the translation service. This seems undesirable and it could be problematic if the translation API decides to modify the IDs.

Additionally, the admin block labels were also getting translated, which was making it difficult for our admins to make sense of the content as they primarily only speak English.

This is the block label that I mean (the text that says HERO IMAGE):

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 6 39 06 PM

This PR resolves both issues.