r3bl-org / shortlink

This Chrome extension provides a browser action that simply allows the user to create a shortlink for all the selected tabs in the current window. It can be activated via a keyboard shortcut Alt + L. To use it, in the omnibar, type go then press Tab, then type the phrase you have created a shortlink for earlier & it will open the tab(s).
MIT License
10 stars 13 forks source link

Implement drag & drop for import and export #37

Closed nazmulidris closed 8 months ago

nazmulidris commented 8 months ago

Current behavior

Currently a user can type import, and export in the text input area. Here's an example of typing export into the input area.


Desired behavior

1) When a user types export, in addition to copying the JSON blob of all the shortlinks to the clipboard, also save it to the downloads folder as a file. I don't think that it is necessary to allow the user to choose a filename.

2) When a user types import, make the text area that is shown a drop target. The user should be able to drag / drop this JSON file into the text area and it should allow the contents of the file to be put inside the text area so the user can edit it and then click on "Save shortlinks"