Closed r44cx closed 1 year ago
You are an AI system that does programming tasks by reading the issue specification and modifying the existing code by changing it or adding new code to resolve the user request. You minimize changes to the code and make sure not to modify anything that the user has not requested. Do not remove classes, methods, or fields - only add or modify existing ones. You will be doing the work in steps. The results of your work will be automatically put on Github. Always print the whole source, never the 'The rest of the class remains unchanged' comment
The user request: Extend with default informations
Do this in steps:
Here is a hierarchical view of files in the project::
AiProgrammerTests/ChatMessageRoleTests.cs AiProgrammerTests/ClassExtractorTests.cs AiProgrammerTests/DependenciesTest.cs AiProgrammerTests/AiProgrammerTests.csproj AiProgrammerTests/StringExtensionsSubstringSafeTests.cs GithubIssueListener/ListenerEntryPoint.cs GithubIssueListener/IssueListenerInput.cs GithubIssueListener/InputProviderFromEnvironmentVariables.cs GithubIssueListener/SolverExceptionNotifier.cs GithubIssueListener/ISolverExceptionNotifier.cs GithubIssueListener/IssueSolvingStarter.cs GithubIssueListener/IInputProvider.cs GithubIssueListener/GithubIssueListener.csproj AiProgrammer/Core/CodeStatics.cs AiProgrammer/IO/FileContent.cs AiProgrammer/IO/ProjectContentReader.cs AiProgrammer/IO/IProjectContentReader.cs AiProgrammer/IO/FilePath.cs AiProgrammer/AiInterface/IChat.cs AiProgrammer/AiInterface/ICompletions.cs AiProgrammer/AiInterface/ChatCompletions.cs AiProgrammer/Github/PullRequests/PullRequestCreator.cs AiProgrammer/Github/Model/RepoOwner.cs AiProgrammer/Github/Model/IssueInfo.cs AiProgrammer/Github/Model/RepoName.cs AiProgrammer/Github/Model/RepoInfo.cs AiProgrammer/Github/Issues/IssueUrlParser.cs AiProgrammer/Github/Issues/IIssueUrlParser.cs AiProgrammer/Github/IGithubContextClientProvider.cs AiProgrammer/Github/GithubServices.cs AiProgrammer/Github/GithubClientProviderForToken.cs AiProgrammer/Github/GithubContextClientProvider.cs AiProgrammer/Github/IGithubClientProviderForToken.cs AiProgrammer/Extensions/StringExtensions.cs AiProgrammer/Logging/ISolverProgressLogger.cs AiProgrammer/Logging/SolverProgressLoggerInIssue.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/GithubIssueContextProvider.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/InIssueNoChangesNotifier.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/IGithubIssueContextProvider.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/IGithubIssueSolver.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/IssueDescriptionProvider.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/IIssueDescriptionProvider.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/GithubIssueSolverWithMethodSelection.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/GithubIssueSolverFileByFile.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Utils/UnexpectedAiOutputException.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/EntrySteps/StepSolveGithubIssueFileByFile.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/EntrySteps/StepSolveGithubIssueWithMethodSelection.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepSelectMethodsToPreview.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepModifyExistingFilesOneByOne.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepChangeFilesUsingCommands.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepCreateChangesCommands.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepSelectFilesToPreview.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepCreatePullRequest.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepCreateNewFilesOneByOne.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepNotifyAboutPullRequest.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/Helpers/CurrentStepsHolder.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/Helpers/ICurrentStepsHolder.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/Helpers/FollowNextStepExecutor.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/IStepsCollection.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ISolverStepWithSubsteps.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ISolverStep.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Commands/IModifyCodebaseCommand.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Model/FileAndMethodName.cs AiProgrammer/Solving/Model/GithubIssueContext.cs AiProgrammer/CodeProcessing/IClassExtractor.cs AiProgrammer/CodeProcessing/ClassExtractorCSharp.cs AiProgrammer/AiProgrammerServices.cs AiProgrammer/AiProgrammer.csproj AiProgrammer/AiProgrammer.csproj.DotSettings global.json .gitignore AiProgrammer.sln AiProgrammer.sln.DotSettings LICENSE reviewpad.yml
You are currently in step one (1). Please provide a list of files you think will help you the most when solving the problem. List them from most likely to help solve to problem to least likely. Print each path in new line without numerating them. Make sure to always print a full path. n AiProgrammer/ AiProgrammer/Core/CodeStatics.cs AiProgrammer/AiProgrammer.csproj
You are an AI system that does programming tasks by reading the issue specification and modifying the existing code by changing it or adding new code to resolve the user request. You minimize changes to the code and make sure not to modify anything that the user has not requested. Do not remove classes, methods, or fields - only add or modify existing ones. You will be doing the work in steps. The results of your work will be automatically put on Github. Always print the whole source, never the 'The rest of the class remains unchanged' comment
The user request: Extend with default informations
Do this in steps:
You are currently in step 'Modify selected existing files one by one'
Already reviewed files with your own description of what happened:
Files left to review: AiProgrammer/ AiProgrammer/Core/CodeStatics.cs AiProgrammer/AiProgrammer.csproj
Current file path:
Current file content:
# GPT-Codemaster
Automatic programming by creating Pull Requests from Issues using LLMs.
An experimental project to automate programming. It uses a task-based approach to move a software project development forward by reading task descriptions from Github Issues and implementing them in a Pull Request.
Example Pull Requests created with this tool are available [here](
## Features
- [x] Modifying files
- [x] Creating new files
- [x] Automatic reacting to Issues with the specified label
- [x] Creating Pull Requests
- [ ] Released as Github Action in the marketplace
- [ ] Automatic creation of tests for it's implementation
- [ ] Reacting to Pull Requests checks
- [ ] Back-and-forth conversation and reacting to human feedback in a Pull Request
- [ ] Implement Reflection ( and
- [ ] Being able to go though massive projects
- [ ] Read .ai/project_description_short.json of every project and include it in the prompt
- [ ] Easy attachment of different LLMs, inlucing locally hosted
## Tests
- [x] Comlpete a simple Issue, [example](
- [ ] Complete a more complex issue
## FAQ
### Does it work?
Sometimes, and only for small projects with small files, like this one. The biggest limitation right now is the tokens length for LLMs.
### Does it _really_ work?
It's an experiment, not an actual product.
### What do I need to use it?
1. GPT-4 API access and token
1. Github repository
1. This project as a GitHub Action
1. Enable "Allow Github Actions to create pull requests" in settings
Select one command with this parameters to execute:
next_file [Note to yourself of what you saw that can be useful in next steps to solve the issue and when changing or creating next files. Make sure to include all needed information as you won't see this file again and won't remember what was inside.] - Do not modify this file and go to the next
replace_file [(in new line) new content in code block] [short description of what was actually modified and why, that can be useful in next steps] - Modify or remove the file by re-writing it's content. Write a short description of what was modified, this description will be read only by you when moving to the next file
# GPT-Codemaster
Automatic programming by creating Pull Requests from Issues using LLMs.
An experimental project to automate programming. It uses a task-based approach to move a software project development forward by reading task descriptions from Github Issues and implementing them in a Pull Request.
Example Pull Requests created with this tool are available [here](
## Features
- [x] Modifying files
- [x] Creating new files
- [x] Automatic reacting to Issues with the specified label
- [x] Creating Pull Requests
- [ ] Released as Github Action in the marketplace
- [ ] Automatic creation of tests for it's implementation
- [ ] Reacting to Pull Requests checks
- [ ] Back-and-forth conversation and reacting to human feedback in a Pull Request
- [ ] Implement Reflection ( and
- [ ] Being able to go though massive projects
- [ ] Read .ai/project_description_short.json of every project and include it in the prompt
- [ ] Easy attachment of different LLMs, inlucing locally hosted
## Tests
- [x] Comlpete a simple Issue, [example](
- [ ] Complete a more complex issue
## FAQ
### Does it work?
Sometimes, and only for small projects with small files, like this one. The biggest limitation right now is the tokens length for LLMs.
### Does it _really_ work?
It's an experiment, not an actual product.
### What do I need to use it?
1. GPT-4 API access and token
1. Github repository
1. This project as a GitHub Action
1. Enable "Allow Github Actions to create pull requests" in settings
Default information:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
## Acknowledgments
* [OpenAI]( for providing the GPT-3 API
* [dex3r]( for creating the initial version of this project
Added default information to the file. The default information includes the license and acknowledgments.
Exception caught while GPT-Codemaster tried to solve the issue:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Cannot read file content: it does not exist
File name: 'AiProgrammer/'
at AiProgrammer.IO.ProjectContentReader.ReadFile(FilePath filePath) in /home/runner/work/GPT-Codemaster/GPT-Codemaster/AiProgrammer/IO/ProjectContentReader.cs:line 120
at AiProgrammer.Solving.Steps.ConcreteSteps.StepModifyExistingFilesOneByOne.ExecuteForSingleFile(FilePath currentFile, List`1 alreadyReviewedFilesTexts, IReadOnlyCollection`1 filesLeftToReview) in /home/runner/work/GPT-Codemaster/GPT-Codemaster/AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepModifyExistingFilesOneByOne.cs:line 70
at AiProgrammer.Solving.Steps.ConcreteSteps.StepModifyExistingFilesOneByOne.GetChangedFiles(IReadOnlyList`1 filesToPreview) in /home/runner/work/GPT-Codemaster/GPT-Codemaster/AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/ConcreteSteps/StepModifyExistingFilesOneByOne.cs:line 33
at AiProgrammer.Solving.Steps.EntrySteps.StepSolveGithubIssueFileByFile.SolveGithubIssue() in /home/runner/work/GPT-Codemaster/GPT-Codemaster/AiProgrammer/Solving/Steps/EntrySteps/StepSolveGithubIssueFileByFile.cs:line 94
at AiProgrammer.Solving.GithubIssue.GithubIssueSolverFileByFile.SolveGithubIssue() in /home/runner/work/GPT-Codemaster/GPT-Codemaster/AiProgrammer/Solving/GithubIssue/GithubIssueSolverFileByFile.cs:line 17
at GithubIssueListener.IssueSolvingStarter.Solve(GithubIssueContext requestContext) in /home/runner/work/GPT-Codemaster/GPT-Codemaster/GithubIssueListener/IssueSolvingStarter.cs:line 57```
Hello, GPT-Codemaster here. I'm starting to work on the issue, give me a moment...
Job progress