r4fun / hierplane

🌳 Hierplane for R
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Add additional datasets #11

Closed tylerlittlefield closed 4 years ago

tylerlittlefield commented 4 years ago

Add package data, readily available to user for demonstration.

mathidachuk commented 4 years ago

look at this amazing hp image image

starwars_clean <- starwars %>%
  tidyr::unnest(vehicles, keep_empty = T) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(starships, keep_empty = T) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(films, keep_empty = T) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, ~tidyr::replace_na(., "unknown")) %>%
  mutate(timeline = case_when(
    films %in% c("The Phantom Menace",
                 "Attack of the Clones",
                 "Revenge of the Sith") ~ "Prequel",
    films %in% c("A New Hope",
                 "The Empire Strikes Back",
                 "Return of the Jedi") ~ "Original",
    films %in% c("The Force Awakens") ~ "Sequel"
  chapter = case_when(
    films %in% "The Phantom Menace" ~ "Ep 1",
    films %in% "Attack of the Clones" ~ "Ep 2",
    films %in% "Revenge of the Sith" ~ "Ep 3",
    films %in% "A New Hope" ~ "Ep 4",
    films %in% "The Empire Strikes Back" ~ "Ep 5",
    films %in% "Return of the Jedi" ~ "Ep 6",
    films %in% "The Force Awakens" ~ "Ep 7"
  )) %>%
  arrange(timeline, chapter)

starwars_root <- data.frame(
  parent_id = "Star Wars Movies",
  child_id = "Star Wars Movies",
  child = "Star Wars Movies",
  link = "ROOT",
  node_type = "ROOT"

starwars_layer0 <- starwars_clean %>%
  distinct(timeline) %>%
  mutate(parent_id = "Star Wars Movies",
         child_id = timeline,
         child = timeline,
         link = timeline,
         node_type = timeline)

starwars_layer1 <- starwars_clean %>%
  distinct(films, timeline, chapter) %>%
  mutate(parent_id = timeline,
         child_id = films,
         child = films,
         link = chapter,
         node_type = timeline) %>%

starwars_layer2 <- starwars_clean %>%
  filter(!starships %in% "unknown") %>% 
  mutate(parent_id = films,
         child_id = starships,
         child = starships,
         link = "ship",
         node_type = "ship") %>%
  group_by(parent_id, child_id, child,
           link, node_type) %>% 
  summarize(attributes1 = list(unique(name)))

starwars_df <- bind_rows(starwars_root,

hier_df <- hp_dataframe(starwars_df,
                        title = "Star Wars Chronicles",
                        settings = hierplane_settings(attributes = "attributes1") %>%
                            node_type_to_style = list(
                              ROOT = c("color1", "strong"),
                              Prequel = "color3",
                              Original = "color4",
                              Sequel = "color2",
                              ship = "color6"
                            link_to_positions = list(
                              Prequel = "left",
                              Original = "right"
                            link_name_to_label = list(
                              Prequel = "arc",
                              Sequel = "arc",
                              Original = "arc"

tylerlittlefield commented 4 years ago

Close #35