r4yan2 / peaks

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Documentation of How to use peaks with docker #10

Open skasks opened 2 years ago

skasks commented 2 years ago


The README is wrong about:: docker pull peaks:latest

seems to be: docker pull r4yan2/peaks:latest

The https://hub.docker.com/r/r4yan2/peaks states some commands, which won't work: ln -s $(pwd)/peakscfg /path/to/configuration/directory docker run --rm -v /path/to/configuration/directory:/etc/peaks r4yan2/peaks init_config docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "exec: \"init_config\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown. ERRO[0001] error waiting for container: context canceled

docker run --rm -v /path/to/configuration/directory:/etc/peaks r4yan2/peaks svscan: fatal: unable to chdir to /srv/service: file does not exist

Looks like docker.full contains a docker with mySQL and such, so that would be an all-in-one testbed?

r4yan2 commented 2 years ago

My bad, the README was not up to date, should be fixed with https://github.com/r4yan2/peaks/commit/786112d4ab56f903ee82ac401f4d299aa6a1346f The documentation in https://hub.docker.com/r/r4yan2/peaks is outdated too, I will remove/rewrite it soon

Looks like docker.full contains a docker with mySQL and such, so that would be an all-in-one testbed?

In the main repository README it is included an example docker-compose.yml The peaks container does not include mysql server