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3rd party include dependencies #3

Closed kkretsch closed 2 years ago

kkretsch commented 5 years ago

Two additions to an initial setup on a clean debian 9:

I had to add apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev to get access to curl/curl.h which was otherwise yet missing on my system.

And the mysql headers are installed but are not found in my setup. Currently I made a manual fix like this in the root CMakeLists.txt: include_directories(/usr/include/mysql-cppconn-8/jdbc)

mysql packages installed are:

libmysqlcppconn-dev/unknown,now 8.0.15-1debian9 amd64 [installed] libmysqlcppconn7/unknown,now 8.0.15-1debian9 amd64 [installed,automatic] libmysqlcppconn8-1/unknown,now 8.0.15-1debian9 amd64 [installed,automatic] mysql-apt-config/unknown,now 0.8.12-1 all [installed] mysql-client/unknown,now 5.7.25-1debian9 amd64 [installed,automatic] mysql-common/stable,stable,now 5.8+1.0.2 all [installed,automatic] mysql-community-client/unknown,now 5.7.25-1debian9 amd64 [installed,automatic] mysql-community-server/unknown,now 5.7.25-1debian9 amd64 [installed,automatic] mysql-server/unknown,now 5.7.25-1debian9 amd64 [installed]

Which might look a bit mixed up in terms of versions. As debian9 preferred to install mariadb I used the deb setups from mysql website for version 5.7.