r52 / PTA

PoE Trade Assistant
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fails to get price if item is not equipable #21

Closed Pegoth closed 4 years ago

Pegoth commented 4 years ago

If item cannot be used by the character (equiped, but stat requirement changed) the ctrl+d won't work as it will fail to retreive item name.

Example item:

Rarity: Unique
You cannot use this item. Its stats will be ignored
The Baron
Close Helmet
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Armour: 156 (augmented)
Level: 68
Str: 58
Int: 151 (unmet)
Sockets: B-B-B-B 
Item Level: 40
30% increased Spark Projectile Speed
+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
+34 to Strength
Minions have 20% increased maximum Life
Half of your Strength is added to your Minions
+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies per 300 Strength
With at least 1000 Strength, 2% of Damage dealt by your Raised Zombies is Leeched to you as Life
"The Emperor's trusted surgeons are not the only ones who 
practice the dark arts. Some of us are just more discreet."