r8420 / MoreOverlays-updated

MC Mod : Brings back some of the NEI Overlays ( Mob Spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search)
MIT License
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Incompatibility with InventoryProfilesNext concerning Visual Glitches #40

Closed Jayryn closed 1 year ago

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that the item amount flickering in 1.19, when searching for items, still exists. This Issue should be fixed with Commit 2236dd5, but doesn't seem to be fixed. (Couldn't test it earlier)

Version: 1.21.3 (directly build from latest commits)

Issue Explanation Video Preview of 1.19 Amount Issue [Video]

How it should look Preview of working 1.18 [Video]

r8420 commented 1 year ago

Oh that's weird. I thought you meant something else. I'm not able to replicate this. Versions I'm using: moreoverlays-1.21.3-mc1.19.jar, jei-1.19.1-forge- Forge 42.0.9 on 1.19.1

r8420 commented 1 year ago

@drjayy I'm also unable to replicate it on: moreoverlays-1.21.3-mc1.19.jar, jei-1.19-forge- Forge 41.0.98 for 1.19

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

Oh that's weird. I thought you meant something else. I'm not able to replicate this. Versions I'm using: moreoverlays-1.21.3-mc1.19.jar, jei-1.19.1-forge- Forge 42.0.9 on 1.19.1

I'll check my version numbers later and look if my issue still persists in a closed environment. Thanks for helping though

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

This may be related to some kind of Minecraft setting or texture pack aswell

-> will test this later on

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce this issue on Forge 1.19.2 anymore (also quarantined every other mod -> likely interference)

This is likely a compatibility issue with another mod, I have an idea which one but I'll try it out in a second in quarantine containers.

EDIT: @r8420 This is a compatibility issue with InventoryProfilesNext, I am unsure what causes this, but there may be a workaround, if you'd like to support this incompatibility.

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that there is an issue with Item Amount Visual Glitches when using both InventoryProfilesNext and MoreOverlays-Updatedwhen using the search item container function for JEI Search by MoreOverlays.

InventoryProfilesNext [CURSEFORGE] is a widely known inventory addition / sorting Mod for many Users. I believe that most would consider using both simultaneously, but then the explained issue above appears to be happening.

As I believe many users to want to use both mods simultaneously, I hope that this issue will not be marked as "will not fix". [Please let me know if you agree too.]

I've informed the Author of InventoryProfilesNext concerning this issue. Link to Issue

r8420 commented 1 year ago

I see, when setting highlight_clicking_slot to false in the InventoryProfilesNext config the issue doesn't occur. image

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

I see, when setting highlight_clicking_slot to false in the InventoryProfilesNext config the issue doesn't occur. image

Thanks, I'll try to reproduce.

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

I see, when setting highlight_clicking_slot to false in the InventoryProfilesNext config the issue doesn't occur. image

Where exactly did you find this setting, I can't seem to locate it

EDIT: Ignore this, I'm just blind

Jayryn commented 1 year ago

Thank you, this fixed the issue :)