r9y9 / wavenet_vocoder

WaveNet vocoder
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Different Audio quality among intermediate results #188

Open auspicious3000 opened 4 years ago

auspicious3000 commented 4 years ago

While training the vocoder, it writes to the following three folders "audio", "dev_eval", and "train_no_dev_eval". The audios inside "dev_eval" and "train_no_dev_eval" all sounds very good. However, the audios inside "audio" all have audible hissing background noise. What's the difference between those three folders? Is it possible that the audios written to "audios" folder were somehow generated differently from the ones inside the other two folders? Thanks!

r9y9 commented 4 years ago

In short: the difference is using teacher-forcing generation or not.

auspicious3000 commented 4 years ago

Does it make sense that the waveform generated under training mode sounds worse than that generated under inference mode? I mean, under training mode, since the model has access to the previous ground truth, the output should sound at least as good as the output using inference mode. What's your opinion on this? Thanks!