r9y9 / wavenet_vocoder

WaveNet vocoder
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Low GPU Usage - Cache/DataLoader Issue? #199

Open sbuser opened 4 years ago

sbuser commented 4 years ago

I'm running CUDA 10.1 with the latest versions of TF and pyTorch a TeslaK80 and a 1080ti.

I'm running the stable version (0.1.1 -- I was unable to get the ESPnet version running) with a patched train.py implementing data_parallel_workaround() from master.

The model seems to be training -- but very inefficiently. If I watch GPU usage with nvidia-smi I see only intermittent GPU-Util spikes with CPU utilization at about 25% (8 cores @ 4.8 ghz).

hparams that may be relevant:

    # Data loader

    # Training:

Do I just need to dramatically increase the num_workers to feed the GPUs more data? GPU temps look fine, data is on a super fast SSD, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

FWIW, here's what I show in the python.exe stack: image