rFlex / SCRecorder

iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
Apache License 2.0
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Adding user input String and Integer for each cell by holding cell index #338

Open Jawwnie opened 8 years ago

Jawwnie commented 8 years ago

HELLLPP!!! This isn't an issue but something that is worth looking over

I am fairly new at programming however have some relative background in objective C, this may not be an issue as such however i believe would be something others may have considered!

It doesn't necessarily have to be a hold option, but i want to make it so that, not only does the cells in the Listview contain the date and segment count, but also a String that lets users label the video and an integer that users can put in (what ever number they want) for that particular cell. My lack of knowledge prevents me from completing this task, but im wondering if there is anyone out there who has done this or can do this that may help me? :(

Kind regards, from Australia!

twomedia commented 8 years ago

This probably isn't the best place to look for help on programming... What you want to do is definitely possible and wouldn't be too difficult to implement. I recommend just following some UIKit tutorials, in this case one's that cover the UITableView.

For storing information (Strings, Ints & so on) for each clip maybe look into Core Data, or if you want something a little easier to start with, try Realm.

I was once in your position learning programming, just keep watching tutorials and read plenty of Objective C books!

Kind Regards, from Australia as well ;)