rSimulate / Cosmosium

:earth_americas: js game engine for space-based games
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close-up asteroid view #14

Open 7yl4r opened 10 years ago

7yl4r commented 10 years ago

when looking through my asteroid-scan results, I want to see details about them. Composition, size, value... maybe a pretty picture? From this I can decide which ones I will mark as potential targets.

NOTE: searching for asteroids costs resources, marking asteroids for continued tracking by your space agency should cost resources too. This will help us keep the asteroid count down to just the interesting ones.

BONUS: can we save this data and call it crowd-sourced decision making? by golly I think we can try.

iontom commented 10 years ago

Things to customize each asteroid that we could pull from here:

albedo (brightness) color: b-v = blue, u-b = green, i-r = red, but biased towards being greyish object diameter "object bi/tri-axial ellipsoid dimentions"

We might also add a low resolution "overlay" texture from a set of 10-20 small rocky/cratered textures.

We could consider asteroid rotations, maybe just fake it for now.

7yl4r commented 9 years ago

This is mostly implemented, but it needs more work. Players need to know more about how tracking each asteroid will impact the gameplay.