rSimulate / Cosmosium

:earth_americas: js game engine for space-based games
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Cosmosium fails to install or run(Win 8)(Master branch) #63

Closed MaxHoweth closed 10 years ago

MaxHoweth commented 10 years ago

I cloned the master branch on my pc. when attempting to run cosmosium or install i get these errors:

Im on windows 8(not 8.1) and i attempted to install first to test if it would install over my previous manual installation.

7yl4r commented 10 years ago

That looks to me like the script couldn't find git on your computer. What happens if you type git version in the cmd prompt?

MaxHoweth commented 10 years ago

It says git is not recognized as an internal or external command. So i dug a little deeper and i needed to add the github bin directory to my path(not sure why it wasn't in there already). After that it all works as intended. Maybe we should write as script to ensure all the dependencies are added to the path on install?

7yl4r commented 10 years ago

Yes, I have some thoughts on how to improve the script to avoid this issue in the future.

Currently the install script assumes that the commands you use to get to git, python, and pip are "git", "/c/Python27/python.exe", and "pip". In some cases your system config might be different and you can change the vars in the install script to get it to work. Really, what we should do is check that these are the appropriate terms and fix them if not.

I've got several "TODO:"s in related to this, but haven't yet had the chance to get to them.