ra1028 / DifferenceKit

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Support for `NSTableView` sections (aka group rows) #93

Open helje5 opened 4 years ago

helje5 commented 4 years ago



The NSTableView extension doesn't apply section changes and indices assume a single section.

Motivation and Context

Like the UITableView, NSTableView supports sections (called "group rows" in AppKit). It would be great if they would just work in combination w/ ArraySection's.

Proposed Solution

In NSTableView the sections (group rows) are part of the collection feed to the tableview. E.g.

let source = [
    ArraySection(model: "Section 1", elements: ["A", "B", "C"]),
    ArraySection(model: "Section 2", elements: ["D", "E", "F"]),

Is presented to NSTableView as:

[0] "Section 1"
[1] "A"
[2] "B"
[3] "C"
[4] "Section 2"
[5] "D"

It's not obvious that this isn't supported. Maybe AppKitExtension.swift should have

                        "srz, section updates not yet supported on AppKit!")

in the reload.

Not quite sure about the best way to implement this. The reload should have all the grouping information necessary. Essentially there would need to be a separate step adjusting the indices to the flat ones, while applying the changes.

Sample TV datasource/delegate on top of ArraySection

extension AppDelegate: NSTableViewDelegate {
  func tableView(_ tv: NSTableView, isGroupRow row: Int) -> Bool {
    switch test.data[flat: row] {
      case .some(.model): return true
      default: return false
  func tableView(_ tv: NSTableView, viewFor tc: NSTableColumn?, row: Int)
       -> NSView?
    let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: test.data[flat: row]?.stringValue ?? "-")
    return label
extension AppDelegate: NSTableViewDataSource {
  func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {

final class SectionedTest {

  var data = [ ArraySection<String, String> ]()

  func applyNewData(_ newValue: [ ArraySection<String, String> ],
                    on tableView: NSTableView)
    let changeset = StagedChangeset(source: data, target: newValue)
    tableView.reload(using: changeset, with: .effectFade) { newValue in
      self.data = newValue

enum Row {
  case model(String)
  case element(String)
  var stringValue: String {
    switch self {
      case .model(let s), .element(let s): return s
extension Collection where Element == ArraySection<String, String> {

  var flatCount : Int {
    reduce(0) { $0 + 1 + $1.elements.count }

  subscript(flat index: Int) -> Row? {
    var cursor = 0
    for section in self {
      if cursor == index { return .model(section.model) }
      cursor += 1
      if cursor > index { break }

      let offset = index - cursor
      assert(offset >= 0)
      if offset < section.elements.count {
        return .element(section.elements[offset])
      cursor += section.elements.count
    assertionFailure("index out of range \(index) \(count)")
    return nil
ra1028 commented 4 years ago

@helje5 The data structure isn't compatible with section and group rows cuz the concepts are different, so I think it won't be able to support NSTableView.