Open Chynnapao opened 4 years ago
“Apt-get warning: no support for locale: en_US.utf8”. A system language issue. Appears after the system language has been changed multiple times. Issue can be solved by running the following commands orderly in a terminal window:
$ locale
$ Sudo locale-gen en_US.utf8
$ Sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
$ Sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.utf8
The first command on the list loads a list of installed and missing locales. If the en_US.utf8 locale thus is listed as missing choose it. This is done by adding en_US.utf8 as a text string to the end of the second command Sudo locale-gen en_US.utf8. That command will then generate the chosen missing locale for you.
With the third command you re-generate the list of locales. From the new list of locales you can readout if the previously missing locale en_US.utf8 has been added to your system or not. If you’re fortunate enough — and everything went accordingly during the locale fetching and install process — the missing locale should of had been added to your system.
Lastly, to ensure that en_US.utf8 is up to date, you need to run the fourth command, which is also the last command on the list.
Running these particular commands should have solved the “Apt-get warning: no support for locale: en_US.utf8” issue. If not, you’re recommended to resort to Ubuntu/GNU Linux forums, e.g. AskUbuntu or Stack Overflow etc, or Google Search. Remember, Google will always be your best friend when it comes to issue solving, especially for solving issues on the Linux platform! BusyBox. BusyBox appears on boot because a crucial system file may have been corrupted, and as a result Xubuntu can’t boot properly. To get out of BusyBox, run the following commands orderly in the BusyBox terminal:
(Initramfs) exit
(Initramfs) reboot
The first command ’exit’ tries to do what the name indicates; it tries to exit the BusyBox environment. It is normal that the exit process may freeze for a bit, only to then proceed and continue until it’s done.
When (Initramfs) appears again, run the second and last command ‘reboot’. Your computer should now restart into Xubuntu.
Please help with UTF-8 code change issue after downloading to Install Xubuntu To Jailbreak iOS 13 CheckRa1n on Windows PC.
I have installed Xubuntu on my Windows PC. When downloading file and drag it to desktop, the file code change. Open Terminal mouse pad says document non valid UTF-8. Can not install run the file finished the installation.