Closed nickalleyne closed 7 years ago
The reason is that the enum that contains the access rights definitions has duplicate values:
#region function Get-Enum
function Get-Enum {
param (
[enum]::GetNames($Type) |
Select-Object -Property `
@{ Name = 'Name'; Expression={ [string]$_ } },
@{ Name = 'Value'; Expression={ [uint32](Invoke-Expression "[$($type.FullName)]'$_'") }},
@{ Name = 'Binary'; Expression={[Convert]::ToString([uint32](Invoke-Expression "[$($type.FullName)]'$_'"), 2)}}
Get-Enum -Type System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights
Name Value Binary
---- ----- ------
ListDirectory 1 1
ReadData 1 1
WriteData 2 10
CreateFiles 2 10
CreateDirectories 4 100
AppendData 4 100
ReadExtendedAttributes 8 1000
WriteExtendedAttributes 16 10000
Traverse 32 100000
ExecuteFile 32 100000
DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles 64 1000000
ReadAttributes 128 10000000
WriteAttributes 256 100000000
Write 278 100010110
Delete 65536 10000000000000000
ReadPermissions 131072 100000000000000000
Read 131209 100000000010001001
ReadAndExecute 131241 100000000010101001
Modify 197055 110000000110111111
ChangePermissions 262144 1000000000000000000
TakeOwnership 524288 10000000000000000000
Synchronize 1048576 100000000000000000000
FullControl 2032127 111110000000111111111
I will look into this...
I guess the Explorer is cheating on us. I cannot really give just the right "ListDirectory", it always comes with "Read". I have removed everything from the access entry for some user except from "List folder content":
Get-NTFSAccess returns this:
PS D:\Test> (Get-NTFSAccess -Account install).AccessRights
ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
And this is true if you look up the advanced security settings in the explorer:
And here it is simply not possible to give someone just "List folder content". It always comes with "Read" and "Read & Execute". And ReadAndExecute (131241) is a compination of:
So, bottom line is, to achive what the Windows Explorer does, you want to do this:
Add-NTFSAccess -Path D:\Test -Account Install -AccessRights ReadAndExecute
Thanks so much for looking into that. I can't believe I did not notice it when checking advanced and doing it manually via the GUI.
Great I could help. I am closing the issue then.
My understanding is that List Folder Contents was just Read & Execute applied to Folders only.
My understanding is that List Folder Contents was just Read & Execute applied to Folders only.
This is correct, sorry for resurrecting an old issue but I ran across this problem today. To achieve what you're after you'd use the below...
Add-NTFSAccess "C:\Temp\Test Permissions" -Account "UserAccountOrGroup" -AccessRights "ReadAndExecute" -AppliesTo "ThisFolderAndSubfolders" -AccessType Allow -PassThru
Hi there,
I have just begun using this module, and so far it has been working great, so thanks for putting it together.
The only issue I have run into so far, is that I cannot seem to properly set "List folder contents" as you would via the gui.
For example, if I choose a folder in the gui, and add a new user with only "List folder contents", then it applies via the gui and all seems to work as expected. If when running Get-NTFSAccess I see it shows "ReadAndExecute" + "Synchronize" (below output sanitized).
PS C:\Test> Get-NTFSAccess -Path .\User1\ -Account fileshare-list | fl
Name : User1 FullName : C:\Test\User1 InheritanceEnabled : True InheritedFrom : AccessControlType : Allow AccessRights : ReadAndExecute, Synchronize Account : Fileshare-List InheritanceFlags : ContainerInherit IsInherited : False PropagationFlags : None AccountType : group
But if I then go and re-add the same permissions (or delete and re-create), using ReadAndExecute, it gives ReadAndExecute (as expected).
I have tried adding just "ListDirectory" but then in the gui it shows "Special" which will confuse my helpdesk when they see it. I have also tried a number of other combinations of attributes, but nothing seems to get just the "List folder contents" box to be checked.
In case it changes anything, I am running on Windows 10 1703 (or 1704, cannot remember which) Creators Update. I have tried this both on local and network shares, and I get the same result.
Thanks again