raandree / NTFSSecurity

Managing permissions with PowerShell is only a bit easier than in VBS or the command line as there are no cmdlets for most day-to-day tasks like getting a permission report or adding permission to an item. PowerShell only offers Get-Acl and Set-Acl but everything in between getting and setting the ACL is missing. This module closes the gap.
MIT License
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Update Documentation #15

Open feldrim opened 7 years ago

feldrim commented 7 years ago

Documentation needs to be updated.

Sup3rlativ3 commented 4 years ago

This should be merged with #47

m8ram commented 4 years ago

Links in the README are broken:

Ferretaa commented 4 years ago

The links have been relocated by Microsoft:

NTFSSecurity Tutorial 1 - Getting, adding and removing permissions | Microsoft Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-au/archive/blogs/fieldcoding/ntfssecurity-tutorial-1-getting-adding-and-removing-permissions

NTFSSecurity Tutorial 2 - Managing NTFS Inheritance and Using Privileges | Microsoft Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-au/archive/blogs/fieldcoding/ntfssecurity-tutorial-2-managing-ntfs-inheritance-and-using-privileges