Open anujpotnis opened 4 years ago
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the behavior. When cleaning the ACL on a local and remote folder and adding 3 ACEs, it looks as expected:
$d1 = mkdir -Path \\dscdo01\Artifacts\Test -Force
$d2 = mkdir -Path D:\Test -Force
$d1 | Clear-NTFSAccess -DisableInheritance
$d2 | Clear-NTFSAccess -DisableInheritance
$d1 | Add-NTFSAccess -Account randr -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles
$d1 | Add-NTFSAccess -Account Test1 -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles
$d1 | Add-NTFSAccess -Account Test2 -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles
$d2 | Add-NTFSAccess -Account randr -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles
$d2 | Add-NTFSAccess -Account Test1 -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles
$d2 | Add-NTFSAccess -Account Test2 -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow -AppliesTo ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles
$d1 | Get-NTFSAccess
$d2 | Get-NTFSAccess
The output of Get-NTFSAccess is ths:
Path: \\dscdo01\Artifacts\Test (Inheritance disabled)
Account Access Rights Applies to Type IsInherited InheritedFrom
------- ------------- ---------- ---- ----------- -------------
RAANDREE2\randr FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
RAANDREE2\Test1 FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
RAANDREE2\Test2 FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
Path: D:\Test (Inheritance disabled)
Account Access Rights Applies to Type IsInherited InheritedFrom
------- ------------- ---------- ---- ----------- -------------
RAANDREE2\randr FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
RAANDREE2\Test1 FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
RAANDREE2\Test2 FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
Can you provide some more details about what is going wrong?
Maybe the reason you are unable to reproduce is because you clear the ACL. Can you please try your example without the statements: $d1 | Clear-NTFSAccess -DisableInheritance $d2 | Clear-NTFSAccess -DisableInheritance
Or you can try this (after replacing the Account):
mkdir -Path C:\TestAbs -Force
New-SmbShare -Name TestAbs -Path C:\TestAbs -FullAccess 'Everyone'
$AbsPathACL = @{
Path = 'C:\TestAbs'
Account = 'sspAdmin1'
AccessRights = 'FullControl'
AccessType = 'Allow'
AppliesTo = 'ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles'
Add-NTFSAccess @AbsPathACL
mkdir -Path C:\TestUNC -Force
New-SmbShare -Name TestUNC -Path C:\TestUNC -FullAccess 'Everyone'
$UNCPathACL = @{
Path = '\\DC1\TestUNC'
Account = 'sspAdmin1'
AccessRights = 'FullControl'
AccessType = 'Allow'
AppliesTo = 'ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles'
Add-NTFSAccess @UNCPathACL
Get-NTFSAccess -Path 'C:\TestAbs'
Get-NTFSAccess -Path '\\DC1\TestUNC'
And the output for the Get-NTFSAccess respectively
PS C:\> Get-NTFSAccess -Path 'C:\TestAbs'
Path: C:\TestAbs (Inheritance enabled)
Account Access Rights Applies to Type IsInherited InheritedFrom
------- ------------- ---------- ---- ----------- -------------
SSPIPE\sspAdmin1 FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow True C:
BUILTIN\Administrators FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow True C:
BUILTIN\Users ReadAndExecute, Synchronize ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow True C:
BUILTIN\Users CreateDirectories ThisFolderAndSubfolders Allow True C:
BUILTIN\Users CreateFiles ThisFolderAndSubfolders Allow True C:
CREATOR OWNER GenericAll SubfoldersAndFilesOnly Allow True C:
PS C:\> Get-NTFSAccess -Path '\\DC1\TestUNC'
Path: \\DC1\TestUNC (Inheritance enabled)
Account Access Rights Applies to Type IsInherited InheritedFrom
------- ------------- ---------- ---- ----------- -------------
SSPIPE\sspAdmin1 FullControl ThisFolderSubfoldersAn... Allow False
When I run Add-NTFSAccess with an UNC Path, it removes all the previous users and adds only the user for which I added permissions. When I run with Absolute Path, it adds to the previous users.