rabatjs / meetups

A monthly meetup for all things JavaScript, Node.js, and the modern web
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Monthly Meetup - June 2019 #4

Open chihab opened 5 years ago

chihab commented 5 years ago


Cracking a JavaScript Interview - Beginner Series (Part II)

You're already a JavaScript developer but do you really feel comfortable with things like scope, closures, this, call, apply, bind, arrow functions, event loop, async await...? Are you able to explain these concepts if you're asked to in an interview? In this Series we'll get onto the concepts that every JavaScript Developer should know. No slides, just an editor.

Functional Reactive Programming with RxJS - Intermediate

In the previous session we introduced RxJS and the Observer pattern. This time, to get a deeper understanding on how it works,we'll try to build basic RxJS concepts from scratch using functional programming we've been practicing so far in the beginner series.

Your talk

Would you like to give a talk or demo something? Please share with us, we would love to hear anything from a full talk to a 5-minute demo. To propose a talk or topic simply leave a comment in the event issue.




6:30 pm - Doors open 6:45 pm - Networking / Food / Energy 7:00 pm - Talks begin! 8:30 pm - See you next time!


June 26th at KidLabs - Rabat

chihab commented 5 years ago

Here is the sandbox of the live coded implementation of the Observer pattern inspired by RxJS api: Observables, subscribe and some operators (interval, from, of, take) without RxJS. https://codesandbox.io/s/06-2019-lsnxc

Github repo: https://github.com/chihab/rabatjs-rxjs