rabbagliettiandrea / dj-nested-inlines

Adds nested inline support in Django admin
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problems with install from egg / setup.py #14

Open henning opened 9 years ago

henning commented 9 years ago


I've got a strange problem, I'm not yet sure if it is something I do not fully understand about the python packaging/setuptools system, so first a question:

Is it correct to assume to get the same result when installing the software via

pip install -e git+git://github.com/silverfix/django-nested-inlines.git#egg=django-nested-inlines

as when cloning the git repo, and then issuing

python setup.py bdist_egg egg_install dist/*.egg


I want to do that to save the copy/version I am currently developing against as an egg file in my app to be save to have the exact version, and to be able to deploy independent from git.

If my assumption is right, then I have to report an observation that it seems not to be the case that these two different install methods lead to the same functionality.

Both lead to an install where I do not get import errors in my program where the nest inline modules are imported. Both can do simple one-level deep nested inlines in the admin.

But when installing via the egg, one admin page I have that has a multi-level (3) nesting depth, only shows the first level, not more.

Any idea what could cause this?

natejlong commented 9 years ago

I have been having the same issue, but with the pip install. Setting extra to be greater than 0 on my nested forms forces them to be displayed, but I would love to avoid cluttering up the interface with all of the extras. Do the nested forms still display for you when using pip?

I would be happy to provide more information if that would help, or look into it myself if one can point me in the right direction.