rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Cannot save system nor select output directory #125

Closed cneira closed 2 years ago

cneira commented 2 years ago


I was following the tutorial at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z8w95aB2hES7LYXWfHMB3GNSYNwayCiHczJOo5TinOU/edit#

But trying to save the template the application does not take input, I cannot select the output folder where to save the system nor does entering a name produces any result. clog is stuck in this screen

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rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

Browser? OS?

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

Try typing a full path like \home\dbotton\common-lisp for file name and let me know if works also.

cneira commented 2 years ago

Hi @rabbibotton This what I'm using : OS: Darwin 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64 (MacBook Air M1) Browser: Safari Version 15.4 (17613. SBCL 2.1.9

I tried using the full path but after doing it the result is the same, I'm stuck on this screen

Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 23 55 19
rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

Sorry for delay. I have not been able to reproduce on multiple M1 Macs. Are you able to save or load files in the builder?

cneira commented 2 years ago


I just tried again, and it worked perfectly. I don't know what changed really. I'll re-open if this happens again. Thank you very much for your help!.