rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Declarative GUI syntax #128

Closed mmontone closed 2 years ago

mmontone commented 2 years ago

Just for fun, I wrote this macro:

(defmacro with-gui (obj spec &body body)
  (let ((let-bindings ())
    (used-bindings ()))
    (labels ((create-from-spec (spec parent-binding)
           (destructuring-bind (gui-func-name args &body children)
         (let* ((gui-func-args (alexandria:remove-from-plist args :bind))
            (bind (getf args :bind))
            (binding (or bind (gensym)))
            (create-func-name (intern (concatenate 'string "CREATE-" (symbol-name gui-func-name)))))
           (push `(,binding (,create-func-name ,parent-binding ,@gui-func-args)) let-bindings)
           (when (or bind children)
             (push binding used-bindings))
           (dolist (child-spec children)
             (create-from-spec child-spec binding))))))
      (create-from-spec spec obj)
      `(let* ,(reverse let-bindings)
     (declare (ignore ,@(set-difference (mapcar #'first let-bindings) used-bindings)))

Spec syntax is basically, (creation-func args &body children). And for binding some widget to a variable for later use, add :bind binding-name as part of the args.

As an example, this example from tutorial 24:

(defun on-new-window (body)
  (setf (title (html-document body)) "Tutorial 22")  
  ;; For web oriented apps consider using the :client-movement option.
  ;; See clog-gui-initialize documentation.
  (clog-gui-initialize body)
  (add-class body "w3-cyan")  
  (let* ((menu  (create-gui-menu-bar body))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-icon menu :on-click 'on-help-about))
     (file  (create-gui-menu-drop-down menu :content "File"))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item file :content "Count" :on-click 'on-file-count))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item file :content "Browse" :on-click 'on-file-browse))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item file :content "Drawing" :on-click 'on-file-drawing))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item file :content "Movie" :on-click 'on-file-movies))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item file :content "Pinned" :on-click 'on-file-pinned))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item file :content "Tutorials" :on-click 'open-tutorials-window))
     (win   (create-gui-menu-drop-down menu :content "Window"))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item win :content "Maximize All" :on-click 'maximize-all-windows))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item win :content "Normalize All" :on-click 'normalize-all-windows))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-window-select win))
     (dlg   (create-gui-menu-drop-down menu :content "Dialogs"))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item dlg :content "Alert Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-alert))  
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item dlg :content "Input Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-input))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item dlg :content "Confirm Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-confirm))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item dlg :content "Form Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-form))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item dlg :content "Server File Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-file))
     (tst   (create-gui-menu-drop-down menu :content "Toasts"))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item tst :content "Alert Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-alert))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item tst :content "Warning Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-warn))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item tst :content "Success Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-success))
     (help  (create-gui-menu-drop-down menu :content "Help"))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-item help :content "About" :on-click 'on-help-about))
     (tmp   (create-gui-menu-full-screen menu)))
    (declare (ignore tmp)))
  (set-on-before-unload (window body) (lambda(obj)
                    (declare (ignore obj))
                    ;; return empty string to prevent nav off page

Can be rewritten as:

(defun on-new-window-decl (body)
  (setf (title (html-document body)) "Tutorial 22")  
  ;; For web oriented apps consider using the :client-movement option.
  ;; See clog-gui-initialize documentation.
  (clog-gui-initialize body)
  (add-class body "w3-cyan")
  (with-gui body
    (gui-menu-bar ()
      (gui-menu-icon (:on-click 'on-help-about))
      (gui-menu-drop-down (:content "File")
        (gui-menu-item (:content "Count" :on-click 'on-file-count))
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Browse" :on-click 'on-file-browse))
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Drawing" :on-click 'on-file-drawing)))   
      (gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Window")
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Maximize All" :on-click 'maximize-all-windows))
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Normalize All" :on-click 'normalize-all-windows))
    (gui-menu-window-select ()))
      (gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Dialogs")
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Alert Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-alert))    
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Input Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-input))
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Confirm Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-confirm))
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Form Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-form))
    (gui-menu-item (:content "Server File Dialog Box" :on-click 'on-dlg-file)))
      (gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Toasts")
     (gui-menu-item (:content "Alert Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-alert))
     (gui-menu-item (:content "Warning Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-warn))
     (gui-menu-item (:content "Success Toast" :on-click 'on-toast-success)))
      (gui-menu-drop-down (:content "Help")
         (gui-menu-item (:content "About" :on-click 'on-help-about)))
      (gui-menu-full-screen ())))
  (set-on-before-unload (window body) (lambda(obj)
                    (declare (ignore obj))
                    ;; return empty string to prevent nav off page

The macroexpansion also takes care of the let bindings to ignore:

       (#:G1068 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-DROP-DOWN #:G1066 :CONTENT "File"))
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1068 :CONTENT "Drawing" :ON-CLICK
       (#:G1072 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-DROP-DOWN #:G1066 :CONTENT "Window"))
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1072 :CONTENT "Maximize All" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1072 :CONTENT "Normalize All" :ON-CLICK
       (#:G1075 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-WINDOW-SELECT #:G1072))
       (#:G1076 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-DROP-DOWN #:G1066 :CONTENT "Dialogs"))
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1076 :CONTENT "Alert Dialog Box" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1076 :CONTENT "Input Dialog Box" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1076 :CONTENT "Confirm Dialog Box" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1076 :CONTENT "Form Dialog Box" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1076 :CONTENT "Server File Dialog Box"
                              :ON-CLICK 'ON-DLG-FILE))
       (#:G1082 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-DROP-DOWN #:G1066 :CONTENT "Toasts"))
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1082 :CONTENT "Alert Toast" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1082 :CONTENT "Warning Toast" :ON-CLICK
        (CREATE-GUI-MENU-ITEM #:G1082 :CONTENT "Success Toast" :ON-CLICK
       (#:G1086 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-DROP-DOWN #:G1082 :CONTENT "Help"))
       (#:G1088 (CREATE-GUI-MENU-FULL-SCREEN #:G1066)))
   (IGNORE #:G1067 #:G1069 #:G1070 #:G1071 #:G1073 #:G1074 #:G1075 #:G1077
    #:G1078 #:G1079 #:G1080 #:G1081 #:G1083 #:G1084 #:G1085 #:G1086 #:G1087

Posting here in case somebody likes it and wants to use.

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

Very cool. I am trying to get the clog-web stuff done and out the door, (Cool stuff is coming... :) but I for sure will take a better look at this!!

sabracrolleton commented 2 years ago

Would be great if you could do this with nested sub-menus.

mmontone commented 2 years ago

Would be great if you could do this with nested sub-menus.

You can't? I haven't looked at sub-menus in CLOG ...

mmontone commented 2 years ago

Note that this macro supports any level of nesting ...

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

How would you use this with tutorial 9?

mmontone commented 2 years ago

How would you use this with tutorial 9?

Ok. Let me try a rewrite and post it here .. I can't see what's special there .. but I'll need to try to figure out.

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago
  1. The clog-obj that the create on changes based on hierarchy
  2. There is a non clog-obj's in the let.
mmontone commented 2 years ago

This is my rewrite for tutorial 9. I had to change with-gui macro because it had a bug.

(in-package :clog-tut-9)

(defmacro with-gui (obj spec &body body)
  (flet ((extract-bind (args)
       (when args
         (let ((fargs ())
           (do* ((i 0)
              (x (nth i args) (nth i args)))
         ((>= i (length args)))
         (if (eql x :bind)
             (setf bind (nth (1+ i) args))
             (incf i 2))
             (push x fargs)
             (incf i))))
           (values (reverse fargs) bind)))))
    (let ((let-bindings ())
       (used-bindings ()))
      (labels ((create-from-spec (spec parent-binding)
         (destructuring-bind (gui-func-name args &body children)
           (multiple-value-bind (gui-func-args bind) (extract-bind args)
             (let* ((binding (or bind (gensym)))
                 (create-func-name (intern (concatenate 'string "CREATE-" (symbol-name gui-func-name)))))
               (push `(,binding (,create-func-name ,parent-binding ,@gui-func-args)) let-bindings)
               (when (or bind children)
             (push binding used-bindings))
               (dolist (child-spec children)
             (create-from-spec child-spec binding)))))))
    (create-from-spec spec obj)
    `(let* ,(reverse let-bindings)
       (declare (ignore ,@(set-difference (mapcar #'first let-bindings) used-bindings)))

(defun on-new-window-spec (body)
  (setf (title (html-document body)) "Tutorial 9")
  ;; When doing extensive setup of a page using connection cache
  ;; reduces rountrip traffic and speeds setup considerably.
  (with-connection-cache (body)
    (let* (last-tab)
      ;; Note: Since the there is no need to use the tmp objects
      ;;       we reuse the same symbol name (tmp) even though the
      ;;       compiler can mark those for garbage collection early
      ;;       this not an issue as the element is created already
      ;;       in the browser window. This is probably not the best
      ;;       option for a production app though regardless.
      ;; Create tabs and panels
      (with-gui body
        (div ()
      (button (:bind t1 :content "Tab1"))
          (button (:bind t2 :content "Tab2"))
          (button (:bind t3 :content "Tab3"))
          (br ())

      ;; Panel 1
          (div (:bind p1)
            ;; Create form for panel 1
            (form (:bind f1)
              (form-element (:bind fe1 :text :label (create-label f1 :content "Fill in blank:")))
              (br ())
              (form-element (:bind fe2 :color :value "#ffffff"
                              :label (create-label f1 :content "Pick a color:")))
              (br ())
              (form-element (:submit :value "OK"))
              (form-element (:reset :value "Start Again"))))

      ;; Panel 2
          (div (:bind p2)
            ;; Create form for panel 2
            (form (:bind f2)
              (fieldset (:bind fs2 :legend "Stuff")
                (label (:bind lbl :content "Please type here:"))
                (text-area (:bind ta1 :columns 60 :rows 8 :label lbl))
                (br ())
                (form-element (:bind rd1 :radio :name "rd"))
                (label (:content "To Be" :label-for rd1))
                (form-element (:bind rd2 :radio :name "rd"))
                (label (:content "No to Be" :label-for rd2))
                (br ())
                (form-element (:bind ck1 :checkbox :name "ck"))
                (label (:content "Here" :label-for ck1))
                (form-element (:bind ck2 :checkbox :name "ck"))
                (label (:content "There" :label-for ck2))
                (br ())
                (select (:bind sl1 :label (create-label fs2 :content "Pick one:")))
                (select (:bind sl2 :label (create-label fs2 :content "Pick one:")))
                (select (:bind sl3 :multiple t :label (create-label fs2 :content "Pick some:"))
                  (option (:content "one"))
                    (option (:bind o2 :content "two"))
                    (option (:content "three"))
                    (optgroup (:content "These are a group")
                      (option (:content "four"))
                      (option (:bind o5 :content "five")))))
                (form-element (:submit :value "OK"))
              (form-element (:reset :value "Start Again"))))

      ;; Panel 3
      (div (:bind p3 :content "Panel3 - Type here")))
        ;; Panel 1 contents
        (setf (place-holder fe1) "type here..")
        (setf (requiredp fe1) t)
        (setf (size fe1) 60)
        (make-data-list fe1 '("Cool Title"
                               "Not So Cool Title"
                               "Why Not, Another Title"))
        (make-data-list fe2 '("#ffffff"
        (set-on-submit f1
          (lambda (obj)
            (declare (ignore obj))
            (setf (title (html-document body)) (value fe1))
            (setf (background-color p1) (value fe2))
            (setf (hiddenp f1) t)
            (create-span p1 :content
              "<br><b>Your form has been submitted</b>")))
        (setf (width p1) "100%")
        (setf (width p2) "100%")
        (setf (width p3) "100%")
        (setf (height p1) 400)
        (setf (height p2) 400)
        (setf (height p3) 400)
        (set-border p1 :thin :solid :black)
        (set-border p2 :thin :solid :black)
        (set-border p3 :thin :solid :black)
        ;; Panel 2 contents
        (setf (vertical-align ta1) :top)
        (disable-resize ta1)
        (setf (vertical-align sl1) :top)
        (setf (vertical-align sl2) :top)
        (setf (vertical-align sl3) :top)
        (setf (size sl1) 3)
        (add-select-options sl1 '("one"
        (add-select-options sl2 '("one"
        (set-on-change sl3 (lambda (obj)
                             (declare (ignore obj))
                             (when (selectedp o5)
                               (alert (window body) "Selected 5"))))
        (set-on-submit f2
          (lambda (obj)
            (declare (ignore obj))
            (setf (hiddenp f2) t)
            (create-span p2 :content
              (format nil "<br><b>Your form has been submitted:</b>
                                       <br>~A<hr>1 - ~A<br>2 - ~A<br>3 - ~A"
                (value ta1)
                (value sl1)
                (value sl2)
                (selectedp o2)))))
        ;; Panel 3 contents
        (setf (editablep p3) t)
        ;; Tab functionality
        (flet ((select-tab (obj)
                 (setf (hiddenp p1) t)
                 (setf (hiddenp p2) t)
                 (setf (hiddenp p3) t)
                 (setf (background-color t1) :lightgrey)
                 (setf (background-color t2) :lightgrey)
                 (setf (background-color t3) :lightgrey)
                 (setf (background-color last-tab) :lightblue)
                 (setf (hiddenp obj) nil)
                 (focus obj)))
          (setf last-tab t1)
          (select-tab p1)
          (set-on-click t1 (lambda (obj)
                             (setf last-tab obj)
                             (select-tab p1)))
          (set-on-click t2 (lambda (obj)
                             (setf last-tab obj)
                             (select-tab p2)))
          (set-on-click t3 (lambda (obj)
                             (setf last-tab obj)
                             (select-tab p3))))))))

(defun start-tutorial-spec ()
  "Start turtorial."
  (initialize 'on-new-window-spec)
mmontone commented 2 years ago

:bind is a special argument there, and is not passed to the element creation function. It is possible to change it to &bind, to make it more "different", or introduce some other structure for binding, but the concept remains the same.

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

This is very nice. Would you be open to me adding it to clog (attributions of course)

mmontone commented 2 years ago

Of course you can add, that's why I'm sharing.

It will need a bit of explanation perhaps, you are better at writing than I am :)

Syntax is (element-name args &body children). With special binding argument in args. Macro-expanding helps to understand what is going on.

We could also consider ideas on how to implement binding. If let it be with :bind, or &bind, or :name or something else...

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago


I personally like :bind

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

I'll work on integrating it tomorrow or Sun.

sabracrolleton commented 2 years ago

Re: nested submenus. I agree there should not be a problem with the macro. The problem is certainly between my keyboard and my chair in creating new methods for create-gui-menu-drop-down .

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

If no objection I am going to change from with-gui to with-clog-create the longer description should help make it clear in the code the declarative part is with clog and for those unfamiliar help them understand it is replacing create- so can still look up documentation. I also am going to move with-clog-create to its own tutorial and in tutorial 9 point to it. The reason is for someone just starting important they can use meta-. to look up docs.

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

I updated clog and posted to reddit tutorial 33, I also modified 22 with comments showing the syntax in use for menus. Thanks!!