rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Cryptographic grade random hex string for connection ids #190

Closed shakatoday closed 2 years ago

shakatoday commented 2 years ago

This PR is a candidate to solve #174 , which I think the problem exists.


https://github.com/rabbibotton/clog/blob/29fb063ad612d4caff30cef2ac6ba8f69e1355d0/source/clog-connection.lisp#L176-L179 Via https or not is not the point since CLOG does provide a way for a client to reconnect with a connection id. Then, an attacker can steal a connection if the attacker gets (by infer, scan, etc) someone's connection ID, which maps to connection-data via clog-connection::*connection-data*.

(defvar *wsd-client*)
(setf *wsd-client* (wsd:make-client "ws://localhost:8080/clog?r=316004"))

(wsd:start-connection *wsd-client*)

;; to steal information after stealing the connection
(wsd:on :message *wsd-client*
        (lambda (message)
          (format t "~&Got: ~A~%" message))) 

;; Triggering an event on behave of someone. 
;; The event-id(s) are still serial (I think that's Okay as long as connection ids won't be matched), 
;; so the attacker can infer + scan to trigger them.
(wsd:send *wsd-client* "E:CLOG6099:click ")
Connection 316004    Ping
Connection 316004    Ping
Connection 316004    Ping
Reconnection id - 316004 to #<SERVER {70131A42F3}>
Connection 316004    Ping
Connection 316004    Ping
Connection 316004    Hook = CLOG6099:click    Data = NIL ; this event was triggered by the attacker
Connection 316004    Ping
Connection 316004    Ping

I didn't write more code to finish the complete case of sample attack demo. However, since the hook can be listened by some lisp objects which send javascript scripts to the client sides, attackers should be able to find a way to steal users' personal information. (as long as the web app dynamically displays those info via js-on-the-wire).


The connection ids should be at least as secure as session ids. Thus, according to secure session ids, connections ids should be picked from a large address space with a cryptographic grade random algorithm.

So, I chose cl-isaac for the library.

Thanks. :)

shakatoday commented 2 years ago

Forgot to modify clog.asd to add dependency (even if it's already included by another library, though. Will make another PR.