rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Add `with-repl` option to `set-on-new-window` for additional REPL functionality #192

Closed johndebord closed 1 year ago

johndebord commented 2 years ago

Example usage:

CLOG-USER> (clog-tools:clog-builder :with-repl t)
CLOG-USER> (setf (background-color (gethash "/builder" clog::*repl-bodies*)) "blue")
rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

body is intended for the purpose of the CLOG-USER package, ie. to create and give access to a play ground, similar to CL-USER.

I am having a tough time understanding what this adds, also it doesn't take in to account that in production and even when testing I may have open multiple /builders etc. In general almost every projects may be open on a pc, a mac and a tablet at same time for me. I am though always keen on understanding things from a different perspective.

How do you or would you use this? How is this better a better solution to a quick change to the source M-C-x and refresh the browser?

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

Since this is a debug feature, I can probably add something to build your hash during the routing. So say you could "turn on and off" the feature from the command line and then every route automatically stores the the last bodies, etc. Convince me you need it and you got it :)