rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Demos broken? #243

Closed simendsjo closed 1 year ago

simendsjo commented 1 year ago

Has SET-STYLE been removed in favor of SET-STYLES or similar without updating demos?

The function CLOG::SET-STYLE is undefined.
   [Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]

 0: [CONTINUE] Retry calling CLOG::SET-STYLE.
 1: [USE-VALUE] Call specified function.
 2: [RETURN-VALUE] Return specified values.
 3: [RETURN-NOTHING] Return zero values.
 4: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "CLOG connection e908c8024e3c54a35750f857580c713b" RUNNING {1007CB4D33}>)

 0: ("undefined function" #<CLOG:CLOG-DIV {1007DE1AD3}> "text-align" :CENTER)
rabbibotton commented 1 year ago

Where are you seeing set-style? That function existed a loooong time ago to support use of defsetf with style which ended up creating issues with inheritance so all set-* for properties were removed in favor of directly defining setf functions/methods (set-styles is an exception as it is about setting multiple properties at once).

rabbibotton commented 1 year ago

Make sure to use the UltraLisp versions (or get from github clog, clog-terminal and clog-ace)

simendsjo commented 1 year ago

Hmm, did a dist update, reload, and the error disappeared. Not sure what went wrong here.