rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Lack-middleware-list not used #273

Closed MCSH closed 1 year ago

MCSH commented 1 year ago


I was trying to add a middleware to the CLOG server but I noticed that when I use them like this CLOG server doesn't start:

  (setf *my-middleware* (lambda (app) (lambda (env) (funcall app env))))
  (initialize 'on-new-window :lack-middleware-list (list *my-middleware*))

The initialize funcall returns nil and I'm not sure how to debug this. Looking at the code I see that the lack-middleware-list variable is not passed on, here, but it is possible that I misunderstood this and it's working entirely different than what I imagined.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?