rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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CLOG apps don't survive sleep / hybernation #281

Closed Mr-Dispatch closed 1 year ago

Mr-Dispatch commented 1 year ago

[client & server on the same machine] Is this even solvable ? Temporary session retention (using monotonic timers) ? [Of course, that would massively degrade security in cases where the client & server are on separate machines ... DOS / Session stealing ... ]

rabbibotton commented 1 year ago

On local machines there are no issues with sleep and suspend. I assume you are talking about between networked machines. If the interruption is long enough than it is viewed as a disconnect and so would not work.

If you wanted your app to survive a disconnect and a new connection that would be something to design in to your app. Disconnects of days months etc

Summary on local machine I’ve never seen an issue, for remote connections you will have to design in persistence.

Mr-Dispatch commented 1 year ago

"On local machines there are no issues with sleep and suspend." I call bullshit on this. EVERY time I put my notebook to sleep / hybernation, CLOG builder dies. What can I submit as evidence ? [shitty Dell Latitude 3580, current Win10, latest SBCL x64]

rabbibotton commented 1 year ago

So than the question is why on your machine is this the case or your configuration (or has there been a regression). I'll try and runs some tests and see if can duplicate soon. Not sure what cow dung has to do with this, but I'll leave that out of the tests.

Mr-Dispatch commented 1 year ago

The cow dung might be the state of my Windows install - upgraded for some 2-3 years, enjoyed several versions of Visual Studio and whatnot ... Just that it really happens.

EDIT: And I in no way meant to retract my "calling cow dung" statement. No-one has the right to absurdly throw in my face that things that are observably happening "can in no way happen", even having your skills, pal.

jpe90 commented 1 year ago

I couldn't reproduce this. I tested CLOG apps and CLOG builder on x86-64 Windows, ARM Mac, and X86-64 Linux, all installed from Ultralisp. I ran local apps and CLOG builder on each system, hibernated, resumed the system, and checked app functionality/database connectivity. Didn't have any issues.

I'm not sure how this issue can move forward considering there are no REPL logs, browser logs, system logs or anything indicating what the problem might be.

@Mr-Dispatch Please don't be abusive or disrespectful to free software maintainers.