rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
1.48k stars 101 forks source link

iPhone build #291

Open josharmenta opened 11 months ago

josharmenta commented 11 months ago

Is there a "how-to" or other documentation on building a clog app for iOS?

I know there was a fork of Clog but is that specific fork still necessary?

rabbibotton commented 5 months ago

Sorry for delays. It has been my intent to work on builds directly with out the fork but have not done so yet.

rabbibotton commented 4 months ago

I have closed and caught up with various issues, I plan on working on installs soon. My first version will actually be something a bit more exciting. I plan on using WASM version of ECL. This will allow you to deliver using https://cordova.apache.org/ on every platform in one shot and test on your own machine etc. You of course can use any other existing framework that would deliver an HTML app once I have this running.

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

Have you tried setting up a simple iOS/android project and using ECL or SBCL as a dynamic lib with clog btw? Or EQL and a qt browser?