rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Form-dialog (clog-gui) has issues with values having single quotes #295

Closed sabracrolleton closed 5 months ago

sabracrolleton commented 11 months ago

Example. Use tutorial 22 and in the on-dlg-form, insert a single quote in the string "Real Name".

E.g. "Real N'ame".

The single quote and any text after the single quote will not show in the form input. In this example, the text showing will be "Real N".

I have not been able to figure why.

rabbibotton commented 5 months ago

I am not seeing this, are you using github version or the quickload version. If quickload version try (ql:update-all-dists) as may have an older version of clog.

sabracrolleton commented 5 months ago

Sigh. I am not seeing it now either.