rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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No "name" attribute in "input" element - create-form-element remove :name key #336

Closed fferrere closed 3 months ago

fferrere commented 3 months ago


First, i apologize about my english.

Form action with get method do not work in tutorial 17.

The create-form-element method in clog-form.lisp removes :name keys, so no "name" attribute is created for input element.

(dolist (key '(:name :html-id :auto-place))
    (remf args key))

Without "name" attribute, the input element is never sent.

Removing :name from the dolist function get the thing right.

(dolist (key '(:html-id :auto-place))
    (remf args key))
rabbibotton commented 3 months ago

Thank you for finding that regression. Fixed