rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Instructions for OCICL #360

Closed Immortalin closed 2 months ago

Immortalin commented 4 months ago

Most of the tutorial and documentation assumes the presence of quicklisp. Would you mind adding the equivalent commands for an Ocicl based system?

rabbibotton commented 4 months ago

Is for sure planned, will try and bump it up on schedule

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

Worked today on this, the issue is that the builder uses QuickLisp to retrieve the list of project available. OCICL that is not a concept that really jives as each project is its own "world". It is possible to offer an alternative model that is more "file based" and then "system" based as QL is. I will work on that.

In the mean time worth positing my notes here so far:

  1. Fresh install of sbcl - or mv ~/.sbclrc ~/.sblrc.org you also want to make sure no conflicts in ~/common-lisp if using it
  2. git clone https://github.com/ocicl/ocicl.git
  3. sbcl --load setup.lisp
  4. edit .sbclrc with

;; Add the following to your lisp startup file ;; (~/.sbclrc, ~/.eclrc, ~/.abclrc or ~/.roswell/init.lisp):


(when (probe-file #P"/home/dbotton/.local/share/ocicl/ocicl-runtime.lisp") (load #P"/home/dbotton/.local/share/ocicl/ocicl-runtime.lisp")) (push (uiop:getcwd) asdf:central-registry)

  1. export PATH="~/.local/bin/:$PATH" if not already exported
  2. Copy your CLOG project to compile to a directory
  3. cd to that dir then
  4. (pushnew (uiop:getcwd) asdf:central-registry)
  5. (asdf:load-system :ntest) ; ntest what ever name of projects is
  6. run your compiled project - for example (ntest:start-app)

ideally I should be able to do:

  1. (asdf:load-system :ntest/tools)
  2. (clog-tools:clog-builder :project :ntest)

Also for some reason the install CLOG is a very old version

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

clog that was installed was from clog-20240503-76468c7/ in CLOG time that is 50 years :)

aykaramba commented 2 months ago

Interesting. I have been meaning to learn OCICL, I will try this a bit also. Thx for the info.

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

Once we figure what is broke with versions, I already implemented: (clog-tools:clog-builder :project :ntest :no-quicklisp t)

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

So things were fixed on the server end so instructions work now.

Do: ocicl latest To update if already did

Will work today on official Docs

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

CLOG now supports non-quicklisp based development completely based off of ASDF. This allows for OCICL based systems see https://github.com/rabbibotton/clog/blob/main/OCICL.md

rabbibotton commented 2 months ago

You will though have to wait for CLOG to update in ocicl not sure what the deal is there https://github.com/ocicl/clog?tab=readme-ov-file