rabbibotton / clog

CLOG - The Common Lisp Omnificent GUI
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Create a single Tutorials ASDF system #45

Closed svetlyak40wt closed 2 years ago

svetlyak40wt commented 3 years ago

It would be cool to run:

(ql:quickload :clog-tutorials)

It should open the web page with the list of all tutorials where I can click and view them all without having to load separate lisp files manually.

rabbibotton commented 3 years ago

I want to finish up clog-web and a website demo and then I think that is an excellent idea.

rabbibotton commented 2 years ago

I decided not to add the separate asdf for the tutorials as they are not really a demo but a series of steps to work through. Often there are important comments (I just redid tutorial 1 to reflect not using #' on events so can used M-C-x during dev or on tutorial 3 to try an alternative in the code where events are synced with the new WITH-SYNC-EVENT and to see the difference between parallel vs synchronized events.

It may make sense for the DEMOs but I will need to modify them so that each demo runs on a different subdirectory or port. Likely a good idea to use ports but have to look if that is possible with clack/hutchentoot