This action triggered on a new operator release will submit a PR to our helm-chart commercial repo in order to keep the image versions, crds and clusterrole updated.
It is using some internal python scripts in order to manage the update.
Additional Context
Local Testing
Please ensure you run the unit, integration and system tests before approving the PR.
To run the unit and integration tests:
$ make unit-tests integration-tests
You will need to target a k8s cluster and have the operator deployed for running the system tests.
For example, for a Kubernetes context named dev-bunny:
$ kubectx dev-bunny
$ make destroy deploy-dev
# wait for operator to be deployed
$ make system-tests
Summary Of Changes
This action triggered on a new operator release will submit a PR to our helm-chart commercial repo in order to keep the image versions, crds and clusterrole updated.
It is using some internal python scripts in order to manage the update.
Additional Context
Local Testing
Please ensure you run the unit, integration and system tests before approving the PR.
To run the unit and integration tests:
You will need to target a k8s cluster and have the operator deployed for running the system tests.
For example, for a Kubernetes context named