rabbitmq / rabbitmq-objc-client

RabbitMQ client for Objective-C and Swift
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alternateExchange #190

Closed paxinos closed 2 years ago

paxinos commented 2 years ago

How does one specify an exchange has an alternateExchange? The methods exposed in this library do not seem to include any ability to specify an alternateExchange.

For some reason, the Java/Android jar does not cause this fault - even those the alternateExchange is not specified (?)

When attempting to connect to an exchange, rabbitmq's log shows:

2022-03-25 09:58:21.792136-04:00 [erro] <0.15216.8> operation exchange.declare caused a channel exception precondition_failed: inequivalent arg 'alternate-exchange' for exchange 'messages' in vhost 'ezlinq': received none but current is the value 'alternate-messages' of type 'longstr'

For reference, In node-red, the topology is described as below. WIthout the alternateExchnage the same error (above) is produced.

    {"name": "messages",   "type": "topic", "options": {"durable": true,  "alternateExchange": "alternate-messages"}}