rabbitmq / rabbitmq-objc-client

RabbitMQ client for Objective-C and Swift
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Avoid RMQConnection leaks by adopting weak refs, take 3 #197

Closed michaelklishin closed 2 years ago

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

for some important dependencies of allocated channels and RMQConnection itself.

For example, in this client, RMQConnection auto-allocates a channel for the purpose of special "channel zero" (system communication in the protocol) purposes, and that leads to a loop of strong references that prevent RMQConnection instances from being released.

Based on object graph analysis by @BarryDuggan in https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-objc-client/discussions/194.

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

Some trial and error results:

BarryDuggan commented 2 years ago

I ran this branch as is and we have retain cycle. What I would like to try next is the following.

@interface RMQSuspendResumeDispatcher ()
@property (nonatomic,weak, readwrite) id<RMQChannel> channel;
@property (nonatomic,weak, readwrite) id<RMQSender> sender;

What I've done is checked out this branch into my profiling test project. I create a connection and then destroy it. The memory graph shows me what object is holding onto an other. If an object is a member of one class and that object gets passed to another class , then thats a candidate for investigation.

If these changes cause no test failures then I can pull the branch down again and verify against profiler.

BarryDuggan commented 2 years ago
@interface RMQConnectionRecover ()
@property (nonatomic,weak, readwrite) id<RMQHeartbeatSender> heartbeatSender;
michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

The RMQSuspendResumeDispatcher changes make unit tests for that class fail. Perhaps they can be reviewed but right now, that's the way it is.

The RMQConnectionRecover one doesn't break anything, so I've added it.

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

Another strategy would be to review how connections are closed. We may depend on ARC too much and can be more proactive about releasing the resources we obviously won't need any more after a connection.close-ok frame is received.

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

For example, the reader doesn't seem to be released here:

- (NSArray *)closeOperations {
    return @[^{[self closeAllUserChannels];},
              ^{[self sendFrameset:[[RMQFrameset alloc] initWithChannelNumber:@0 method:self.amqClose]];},
              ^{[self.channelZero blockingWaitOn:[RMQConnectionCloseOk class]];},
              ^{[self.heartbeatSender stop];},
                  self.transport.delegate = nil;
                  [self.transport close];
BarryDuggan commented 2 years ago

Do I have permission to push to this branch? rabbitmq-objc-client-194-take-3

The reason I asked is I wanted to add a New iPhone app Target to the project that links again RMQClient. If I have that it will be a lot easier for me to:

  1. Make A change
  2. Run Unit Tests
  3. Check Memory Graph in iPhone app target

If we dont want to give me permission just yet thats fine. Maybe you could update this branch with the new app target and I can pull down again.

BarryDuggan commented 2 years ago

This is the current state of the memory graph after

I 'think' the run method in Reader may be creating a retain cycle. Will look into that today.

Screenshot 2022-04-01 at 10 03 57
BarryDuggan commented 2 years ago

More Progress here related to capturing self in callbacks. All Tests Passing Locally.

(I can't seem to push myself)


- (void)start:(void (^)(void))completionHandler {
    NSError *connectError = NULL;

    [self.transport connectAndReturnError:&connectError];
    if (connectError) {
        [self.delegate connection:self failedToConnectWithError:connectError];
    } else {
        [self.transport write:[RMQProtocolHeader new].amqEncoded];
        __weak id this = self;

        [self.commandQueue enqueue:^{
            __strong typeof(self) strongThis = this;
            id<RMQWaiter> handshakeCompletion = [strongThis.waiterFactory makeWithTimeout:strongThis.handshakeTimeout];

            RMQHandshaker *handshaker = [[RMQHandshaker alloc] initWithSender:strongThis
                                                            completionHandler:^(NSNumber *heartbeatTimeout,
                                                                                RMQTable *serverProperties) {
                                                                [strongThis.heartbeatSender startWithInterval:@(heartbeatTimeout.integerValue / 2)];
                strongThis.handshakeComplete = YES;
                                                                [handshakeCompletion done];
                                                                [strongThis.reader run];
                strongThis.serverProperties = serverProperties;
            RMQReader *handshakeReader = [[RMQReader alloc] initWithTransport:strongThis.transport
            handshaker.reader = handshakeReader;
            [handshakeReader run];

            if (handshakeCompletion.timesOut) {
                NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:RMQErrorDomain
                                                 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Handshake timed out."}];
                [strongThis.delegate connection:strongThis failedToConnectWithError:error];


- (void)handleMethodFrame:(RMQFrame *)frame {
    id<RMQMethod> method = (id<RMQMethod>)frame.payload;
    __weak id this = self;
    if (method.hasContent) {
        [self.transport readFrame:^(NSData * _Nonnull headerData) {
            __strong typeof(self) strongThis = this;

            RMQFrame *headerFrame = [strongThis frameWithData:headerData];
            RMQContentHeader *header = (RMQContentHeader *)headerFrame.payload;

            RMQFrameset *frameset = [[RMQFrameset alloc] initWithChannelNumber:frame.channelNumber
            if ([header.bodySize isEqualToNumber:@0]) {
                [strongThis.frameHandler handleFrameset:frameset];
            } else {
                [strongThis readBodiesForIncompleteFrameset:frameset];
    } else {
        RMQFrameset *frameset = [[RMQFrameset alloc] initWithChannelNumber:frame.channelNumber
        [self.frameHandler handleFrameset:frameset];


- (void)readFrame:(void (^)(NSData * _Nonnull))complete {
    __weak id this = self;
    [self read:AMQP091_HEADER_SIZE complete:^(NSData * _Nonnull data) {
        const struct AMQPHeader *header;
        header = (const struct AMQPHeader *)data.bytes;
        __strong typeof(self) strongThis = this;
        UInt32 hostSize = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(header->size);

        [strongThis read:hostSize complete:^(NSData * _Nonnull payload) {
            [strongThis read:AMQP091_FINAL_OCTET_SIZE complete:^(NSData * _Nonnull frameEnd) {
                NSMutableData *allData = [data mutableCopy];
                [allData appendData:payload];

These changes leave us with a slightly healthier looking memory graph (just 1 issue left)

Screenshot 2022-04-01 at 12 53 23
michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

I will add you as a contributor so that you can push.

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

@BarryDuggan you should be able to push to this repository now.

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

Why was this branch deleted without a merge?

michaelklishin commented 2 years ago

Ah, I see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-objc-client/tree/rabbit-obj-client-194-take-4.