Closed sl624 closed 4 years ago
Setting the queue with 'x-recent-history-length: 1000000'
args={'x-recent-history-length':1000000} channel.exchange_declare(exchange='buffer', exchange_type='x-recent-history', arguments =args) for i in range(1000000): message ="%H:%M:%S") + '.' + str(i) channel.basic_publish(exchange='buffer', routing_key='', body=message)
At first it publish 10000 per second. after 100000 msgs , it starts to slow down , and then after 200000, it broke.
Closing due to inactivity.
Setting the queue with 'x-recent-history-length: 1000000'
At first it publish 10000 per second. after 100000 msgs , it starts to slow down , and then after 200000, it broke.