Closed arouene closed 6 years ago
Thanks Aurélien for the detailed description. I can reproduce what you report and am investigating. It looks to be specific to set_parameter
in rabbitmqctl
@shengis - this is definitely an issue with the rabbitmqctl
command, so I opened rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cli#232
As a workaround, you should be able to execute this command:
rabbitmqctl eval 'J="{\"uri\":\"amqp://user:password@server/prd\",\"ack-mode\":\"on-publish\",\"trust-user-id\":true,\"message-ttl\":300000}", rabbit_runtime_parameters:parse_set(<<"prd">>, <<"federation-upstream">>, "node01", J, "guest").'
I ran that command and verified it:
$ rabbitmqctl list_parameters -p prd
Listing runtime parameters for vhost "prd" ...
federation-upstream "node01" {"ack-mode":"on-publish","message-ttl":300000,"trust-user-id":true,"uri":"amqp://user:password@server/prd"}
As a workaround you can define federation upstreams using the federation-management plugin.
Thanks for the workarounds ! To be faire, I didn't tried to use the UI management. It's easier to use command line when using remote servers.
Having problem to set a parameter with set_parameter for a specific vhost.
As stated by rabbitmqctl, we can use the -p vhost parameter.
But while I'm using it, the parameter is listed in the default "/" vhost.
Steps to reproduce
rabbitmq-plugins list