rabbitmq / rabbitmq-server

Open source RabbitMQ: core server and tier 1 (built-in) plugins
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Unix Domain Socket #7311

Open lukebakken opened 1 year ago

lukebakken commented 1 year ago

Discussed in https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/discussions/7298

Originally posted by **jvary** February 14, 2023 {repost from rabbitmq-users mailing list} Hello all! I am looking to add support for Unix Domain Socket in RabbitMQ, to add extra safety & segregation when used locally (versus listening on In a 2018 message on the mailing list, it was suggested to do an “exchange plugin“, but since then, ranch_tcp added support for inet:local_address(). My plan would be to change the listeners configuration ‘pipe’ to support inet:local_address() up to ranch, and modify the Erlang & C# client libs to support it as well. Before I jump into the code, any chance that such PRs could reach the main branch ? Julien
lukebakken commented 1 year ago

@jvary we'll keep an eye out for a PR. Thanks!

ansd commented 1 year ago

to add extra safety & segregation when used locally

@jvary what does that mean? Can you explain these two terms extra safety and segregation in more detail? Specifically:

  1. Why is it more secure to use Unix domain sockets compared to listening on the loopback address?
  2. What means segregation here? What benefits do Unix domain sockets have in this context?
lhoguin commented 1 year ago
  1. You can't accidentally expose a Unix domain socket port over the network and can restrict it further via file permissions.
jvary commented 1 year ago

Like Loïc Hoguin said above.


Can you explain these two terms extra safety and segregation in more detail?

Mostly any process running on the host can write to, and it is easier for mass produced devices to restrict service access by local UserFileSystemPermissions than using ClientSecrets. Likely the same reasons the ‘Docker daemon socket’ is by default an UnixDomainSocket as well.

Also, we encountered a few funky use cases were we would benefit from a UnixDomainSocket, among them :

michaelklishin commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the detailed explanation of your reasoning @jvary

IniterWorker commented 2 months ago
  1. The segregation can be achieved by group rights under a Unix operating system or SELinux hardening.
  2. The workload on the TCP stack can be reduced by using a Unix socket, which improves resource efficiency, especially in embedded systems with limited resources.
jvary commented 2 months ago

Hello all,

FYI, I did start the work, but while changing the core server-code itself to support UnixDomainSocket wasn't so horrible in itself, I got stuck in updating all the monitoring paths/tools that assumed an IP endpoint.

Given the scale of doing a clean PR that doesn't break the whole ecosystem, it became no longer rational for us to spend so much time on this.

If anyone would like a pet project, here is your chance to take over :-)

IniterWorker commented 2 months ago

Our team has chosen to use RabbitMQ for our embedded system. At some point in our development, I will allow us to work on this issue. If you can share your early work, maybe we can collaborate and share the effort. Thanks, @jvary, for your update.

michaelklishin commented 2 months ago

There are many monitoring-related parts that do assume a (hostname, port) pair. Management UI, Prometheus scraping endpoint and CLI commands such as rabbitmq-diagnostics listeners and derivatives such as rabbitmq-diagnostics report will need to be adjusted.

I don't recall seeing a request for this from paying customers or regular contributors, so until 4.1.x or so, this has a close to zero probability of being worked on by the core team.