Normal (non-temporary) destinations can specify the acknowledgment mode with a header in the SUBSCRIBE frame.
With temporary destinations, sending a SUBSCRIBE frame results in an error message like:
Invalid destination '/temp-queue/foo' is not a valid destination for 'SUBSCRIBE'
RabbitMQ STOMP plugin supports auto, client, and client-individual subscription headers. But since there is no subscribe frame sent for a temporary destination, there is no way to set a acknowledgment mode.
As per RabbitMQ docs, the internal subscription for a temporary queue uses auto-ack mode. With auto-ack, messages are treated as acknowledged as soon as they sent. Is there a way to minimize the risk of message loss for unprocessed messages?
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Normal (non-temporary) destinations can specify the acknowledgment mode with a header in the SUBSCRIBE frame.
With temporary destinations, sending a SUBSCRIBE frame results in an error message like: Invalid destination '/temp-queue/foo' is not a valid destination for 'SUBSCRIBE'
RabbitMQ STOMP plugin supports auto, client, and client-individual subscription headers. But since there is no subscribe frame sent for a temporary destination, there is no way to set a acknowledgment mode.
As per RabbitMQ docs, the internal subscription for a temporary queue uses auto-ack mode. With auto-ack, messages are treated as acknowledged as soon as they sent. Is there a way to minimize the risk of message loss for unprocessed messages?