rabbityl / DeformingThings4D

[ICCV 2021] A dataset of non-rigidly deforming objects.
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Question about ray direction used in ray casting #6

Open Xiaoming-Zhao opened 2 years ago

Xiaoming-Zhao commented 2 years ago

Hi @rabbityl, thanks a lot for this great work! I have a question about ray direction used in the anime_renderer.py file and hope you can give me a hand if possible. My question is mainly about ray_direction used in the following line:


I checked Blender's reference, function ray_cast requires ray_direction to be defined in object space. However, it seems like ray_direction is set up to be in world space:


I checked some meshes and find that their raycast_mesh.matrix_world is identical, which means that their object space is aligned with world space and there is no need to transform ray_direction. However, in general, I think we still need to have such a transformation, right?

Not sure whether I miss something so any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.