rabite0 / hunter

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hunter rust stable #109

Open 06kellyjac opened 3 years ago

06kellyjac commented 3 years ago

Resolves #89 Closes #91


For my fellow nix users, this is the shell.nix I was using:

  moz_overlay = import (builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/archive/master.tar.gz);
  nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ moz_overlay ]; };
  ruststable = (nixpkgs.latest.rustChannels.stable.rust.override { extensions = [ "rust-src" "rls-preview" "rust-analysis" "rustfmt-preview" ];});
  with nixpkgs;
  stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "rust";
    buildInputs = [ openssl pkgconfig nasm rustup ruststable cmake zlib glibc glib gst_all_1.gstreamer gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base.dev gst_all_1.gst-plugins-bad.dev ];

I didn't really think things through, just grabbed an existing shell.nix I had to hand and kept slapping on dependencies until cargo/pkgconfig stopped complaining.

@teto @magnetophon I wouldn't mind being added as a maintainer once either of you adds to nixpkgs :wink:

magnetophon commented 3 years ago

@06kellyjac Thanks!

I wouldn't mind being added as a maintainer once either of you adds to nixpkgs

If you wan't I'll gladdly add you here!

teto commented 3 years ago

I am no rust user so can't review but I hope to see hunter in nixpkgs so hoping you can fix the CI and get the PR merged kudos to you

06kellyjac commented 3 years ago

I've given fixing CI a bit of a try ( #110 ) but it's broken on master too. https://github.com/rabite0/hunter/commits/master It hasn't successfully ran since 2019-05-06 https://github.com/rabite0/hunter/commit/540eb825b42c96e5cc420d40a8b8658cb4a16df3

jedahan commented 3 years ago

Just tested and packaged this fork since my distro doesn't support nightly rust (its musl based and is a bit more fragile than most). Compiles and runs well, thank you @06kellyjac

06kellyjac commented 3 years ago

Np @jedahan

If you use nix package manager I've got it packaged in my NUR.


Theres a cache too so you dont need to compile it yourself if you check: https://github.com/06kellyjac/nur-packages/

Edit: update I removed it from my nur as it was packaged in main nixpkgs but there is also talk of maybe removing it since the project is halted