rabite0 / hunter

The fastest file manager in the galaxy!
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
1.32k stars 64 forks source link

future plans? feature/workboard #78

Open bijang opened 4 years ago

bijang commented 4 years ago

Is there a workboard or projected features? This is a great project! I'm trying to get more eyes on it, but lf https://github.com/gokcehan/lf is taking the attention not to detract, it's a good project too! is there anything from that project that can be learnt for this?

rabite0 commented 4 years ago

Huh, well for the past few weeks I've been working on performance to the point that hunter is now faster than anything else out there as far as I can tell. It's almost twice as fast as nnn at loading obscenely large directories (think 1M files), plus it doesn't block while loading (major design goal). Note that I hold nnn in high regard, it's been the benchmark I've been single mindedly trying to beat for the past few weeks. If you know anything faster, please tell me :). Work on performance and CPU efficiency is still ongoing, however... I can probably make it another 50% faster by using the right low-level APIs and other optimizations. Maybe more by utilizing a persistent on-disk cache or something.

Things I plan on adding:

It's true that I've not been promoting it a lot. I only posted it once on HN almost a year ago and that's it. I also stopped working on it for almost half a year after getting a bit burned out, only to come back later to improve on and fix what I started. I guess the downtime hurt it a bit in terms of popularity, but currently I'm still working on getting it to a state that will make people go "WOW!!". Or at least that's the plan ;).

Thanks for your support! I appreciate it!

bijang commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the excellent quick detailed response! it really is a fantastic project, we will be following it! Out of interest have you seen the projects, alacritty and ion shell, reportedly the fastest terminal emulator and fastest shell repectively, both rust projects. (The ion shell is part of the redox os project.)

rabite0 commented 4 years ago

Oh right, I was also thinking about adding explicit support for different character encodings (I was thinking about Asian ones specifically). I'm not sure if that even is a problem at all since I think the OS will do the translation to UTF8 even if file names on disk use a different encoding, but if you ever see gibberish in hunter, please tell me and I will see what I can do.

rabite0 commented 4 years ago

I used alacritty for a while and it is very fast, that's true. Sadly it has currently no support for graphics, so I switched to kitty for now. kitty also uses OpenGL and very fast, too. Sadly, it's written in C. Can't say which is faster, alacritty, or kitty. Never tried ion shell (I use zsh), will look into it.

rabite0 commented 4 years ago

Write out the plans in a TODO.

bijang commented 4 years ago

coincidentally this guy did a review just very recently... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXyFs6KntoM&t=322s I wrote in the comments he should put a few issues here, I think youre aware of some of the criticisms here anyway, but I just put it here for your interest, hope it's taken as positive for you.... and that people are behind you!

rabite0 commented 4 years ago

Didn't know about that! Thanks for sharing!

I actually feel kind of honored that people are uploading reviews about hunter on youtube. He actually seems to like it. He has some valid criticism and most of the points I know I need to work on (color schemes for example). The keybindings don't work because he didn't add them with the categories. Maybe I should make an account on YT and comment...

rbuchberger commented 4 years ago

I really love this file browser! Many of the others are painful to configure, while this one worked really well for me out of the box. Thank you!

I'd like to add a feature request for something like ranger's inspect function: hit the I key, and the current preview becomes fullscreen and scrollable (basically open it in a pager). It's super convenient when browsing code repositories, or folders of personal notes for example.

rabite0 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that definitely sounds useful. Should be easy enough to implement.

EDIT: Done. Add ZoomPreview=C (or whatever, but c is bound to ToggleColumns, too) to zoom into the preview pane. This works for all kinds of previews and also allows for full screen video playback...