Closed maliky closed 10 years ago
Hi Maliky, this line does the curl call to retrieve the access token for Google and Facebook: Display the return value to see what is the Google/Facebook error. It should help you.
How do I display the return value of the curl call. I tried with some echos in the auth.php but nothing.
Ok, I managed to have a gmail account created with moodle-auth_googleoauth2. The problem may have been a space entered after the redirection url.
But now the account was created a first time with an error with the same error message as previously. I thought I was not really connected. But thinking harder, I checked the list of users and found the new account. I deleted it to try again, and cannot connect the second time. The second time I get a new error message tell me that my email may not be verified. I checked in google. It is. This second time, I'm not connecting to moodle and I am not creating a new account.
Since my first trials, google change there API interface.
I cleared my browser cache, and I am back to issue one. could it be a problem with my host? bluehost shared environment? here the website
Ok, I turned on debugging mode. here is a more detailed error message
Debug info: Error code: couldnotgetgoogleaccesstoken Stack trace:
line 392 of /auth/googleoauth2/auth.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 88 of /login/index.php: call to auth_plugin_googleoauth2->loginpage_hook()
Output buffer: google?
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in ..../auth/googleoauth2/auth.php on line 166
I give up for now .... I don't understand why I get different errors messages and why I can't reproduce a specific error.
What I did not do:
What I find strange:
If I cannot get help here where will I get help to make this module work? I have been trying for more than 2 months now.
Hi Maliky, your alternative solutions are Moodle forums ( or Moodle partners (
To summary it's not going to be easy to find your issue without accessing your server. I don't have too many clues yet.
Look at my demo site:
Here you can see how the first url contacting google is formatted:
If you can't give access to your server can you at least give your site address that we can try?
Hello Mouneyrac, your comments are encouraging thanks. I think my the problem comes from the way I declare my app in google or facebook and not from you plugin. I tried connecting on the stable master demo and no surprised. It worked.
As for my confusion between %2B space and + It may be linked to the rewriting rule of google. I understand that urls are passed as argument in the url so in some places, rewriting a + to a %2B or a space to a %20 is necessary.
my moodle website
Salut, il me parait etrange ton numero de client_id:
Le mien c'est:
Verifie que tu rentres bien le bon client/app id and secret.
PS: j'ai efface tes identifiants de ton post.
Ok merci....
Oui, je me perds dans les services google. Je commence à saisir qu'il y a un différence entre les API et les Apps.
Les codes que j'utilise pour le module sont ceux pris depuis J'ai créer un projet puis "I registered a new App" pour laquelle j'ai fournis les urls de redirection. ensuit j'ai générer de nouveau identifiant "client/app id" et c'est ceux que j'ai mis dans le module.
Maintenant, je vois un service Apps payant de google qui m'a l'air différents des api. J'essaye d'y souscrire pour mon école mais la vérification du domaine ne sera pas faite avant demain. Peux tu me dire si c'est nécessaire de souscrire à ce service App "payant" de google?
J'avais aussi vu qu'il fallait vérifier le domaine avec google. Je l'ai fait pour le sous domaine mais pas pour j'essaye ça.
mon identifiant client est similaire à celui donné en example ici ( mais j'aimerai bien avoir un truc qui ressemble plutôt au tien :o) Comment faire?
It worked a second time. I used another google account to generate a client id/ secrete like more like yours. and Bingo. I'll try again...
what does your facebook client id looks like?
dammed, I deloged and relog using the plugin button. I use the same gmail adress (the account has been created just previously) and patatrac ! couldnotgetaccesstoken.
See you later.
Something I don't get is that I have the same error : "could not get google access token" even when I try to connect with facebook.
Is there something to do with json? I see call to json_decode and on the google console they proposed to download it. I didn't because I didn't think it was necessary.
No everything should work if you enter the correct information. I'll go through the all processes again to detect what help could be useful. I'll also have a look how Google Cloud changed compared to instruction I'm mentioning in the administration settings. But I will only do that later, I don't have much time right now. I hope you'll find out how to set it up in the meanwhile. If you do and think anything should be mentioned in the instruction let me know :)
Une fresh install avec rien d'autre que
le plugin oauth2 installé activé, configuré
le code pour afficher les bouttons ajoutés en bas de login/index.php
un secret régénéré avec les nouvelles uri de redirections
et idem..
Debug info: Error code: couldnotgetgoogleaccesstoken Stack trace: •line 392 of /auth/googleoauth2/auth.php: moodle_exception thrown •line 88 of /login/index.php: call to auth_plugin_googleoauth2->loginpage_hook()
Le JSON n'a rien à voir avec mon problème. Alors c'est peut être un problème avec mon hébergeur, bluehost? Ce qui m'étonne c'est d'avoir réussi à me connecté et puis ensuite non. Est ce que mon IP n'est pas blacklisté par un service parce que je suis en Côte d'Ivoire. Comment savoir?
Je cherche encore et encore car j'aimerais que mes élèves d'un collège de math au système français, se connectent en utilisant leur identifiant facebook, hotmail ou gmail. Mais ce n'est pas facile.... foup..
S'il te plait donne moi le baba du débogage sur moodle. tu parlais d'afficher la variable $curl mais jusqu'a présent je ne vois pas comment faire. echo $curl ne me donne rien. Y a t il une fonction spécifique à appeler?
OK four months later, I found a checkbox on my host (bluehost) that I needed to check to enable in my php.ini file.
I got some improvement. I am now able to login with new google account... but only once.
In the mean time I installed moodle 2.6 and googleauth on ovh and had them running smoothly. Several login with the same google account.
Therefore I think my issue has to do with some configuration of my main host (bluehost). If you have an idea let me know I am still struggling
strugling still, cheking bluehost config and moodle requirements
I am closing this issue as no progress have been done for a long time. However note that I added some debug info for the error couldnotgetgoogleaccesstoken. Turn on the debug mode in Moodle and there should me more information in the debug info part of the error. If you detect something wrong with the plugin, please open a new issue, this one is a bit overcrowed by messages and it's hard to read now. Thanks.
Hello (bonjour),
I'm not a developper but hopefully I have a small git account.
I am running moodle stable release 2.5.1 and installed OAuth2 about 2 month ago.
What I did
What I did not do:
The error:
With google
I get the following error message after clicking the google button. and entering a valid login/pwd.
My problem could come from
bash pauth.php:392: throw new moodle_exception('couldnotgetgoogleaccesstoken', 'auth_googleoauth2');
With Facebook:
I need your help Thank you